Page 25 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 25

The Norman
         The introduction                                            William the
          of the printing
                                            French language                                  William conquered
        press dramatically                                                                   not just the English
       transformed language                                          Conqueror
                                        was very different from                               but English itself
                                         general French. When        NORMAN 1028-1087
                                                                     Although never an educational reformer
                                         many Normans moved          like Alfred the Great, William transformed
                                         to England after 1066,      English simply by leading the Norman
                                                it changed           Conquest in the first place. Like the Roman
                                                                     and Saxon invaders before them, the
                                               even more             Normans permanently made their mark
                                                                     on the language. It is thought that of the
                                                                     10,000 words introduced from Norman
        Johannes GutenberG GERMAN c.1397-1468                        French after 1066, some two thirds are still
        Gutenberg’s achievement in creating the printing press impacted not just   in use. This includes words as crucial as
                                                                     ‘justice’, ‘marriage’, ‘govern’ and ‘parliament’.
        the English language but the world as a whole — he arguably created mass
        communication at a stroke. That said, his influence on the English language is
        irretrievably bound up with that of English merchant William Caxton who was,                         noah
        after all, the man who brought the printing press to England and the first retailer
        of books there. His achievement was undoubtedly enormous, too, but Gutenberg                         Webster
        just pips him to the post as the actual inventor.
                                                                                                             AMERICAN 1758-1843
                                                                                                             Noah Webster was
                                           daniel defoe                                                      a schoolteacher
                                           ENGLISH 1660-1731                                                 who revolutionised
                                                                                                             English in the
                                           In 1719, Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe was
                                                                                                             United States. While
                                           published. The jury is still out as to
                                                                                                             Americans had been
                                           whether this was the first English novel
                                                                                                             producing their
                                           — some would claim John Bunyan’s The
                                                                                                             own words — many
                                           Pilgrim’s Progress (1678) or Sir Thomas
                                                                                                             derived from Native
                                           Mallory’s Le Morte d’Arthur  (1485)  as
                                                                                                             American and
                                           more deserving of this title. Regardless,
                                                                                                             African languages —
                                           whoever created it deserves credit for                            for some time, they
                                           inventing a medium that has enabled                     Webster
                                                                                                transformed the   did not necessarily
                                           the likes of Austen, Dickens, Orwell and             American lexicon,
                                                                                                             all spell them the
                         300 years on, the novel
                                           Rowling to use English so effectively to             taking the ‘u’ out
                           continues to thrive                                                    of ‘colour’  same way until
                                           reach so many people.
                                                                                                             Webster’s 1828
                                                                                                             American Dictionary
        Guthrum                                      Alfred                Of The English Language. He also sought to rescue English from the
        DANISH Unknown-890                       the Great’s the           “clamour of pedantry”, spelling many words in his new democratised
        As important as Alfred’s efforts to boost the                      English phonetically — for example, ‘color’ instead of ‘colour’ and
        English language were, his Viking enemies   established English-   ‘center’ instead of ‘centre’.
        made their mark, too. Today, more than 1,400   language  schools for
        place names in northern England are of   his own children, the
        Scandinavian origin and words such as ‘leg’,                                              tim berners-lee
        ‘skull’, ‘husband’, ‘sky’ and ‘take’ have Viking   children of nobles and                 BRITISH 1955 - present
        roots. Unlike the later Norman Conquest,   other less privileged
        however, it is difficult to attribute the Viking                                          All revolutions in mass
        raids to any one person. Alfred’s rival Guthrum,   pupils                                 communication from the printing
                                                                                                  press and telephone to radio, film
        ruler of the Danelaw, is a good a choice as any.
                                                                                                  and TV have changed English
                   Norse influence on the language                                                in their own way. Although still
                                                             legacy is the world                  in its formative stages, the world
                    is still clearly evident today
                                                                wide web
                                                                                                  wide web and the proliferation
                                                                                                  of mobile phone technology in
                                                                                                  the last 20 years is undeniably
                                                                                                  transforming the English
                                                                                                  language in ways difficult to
                                                                                                  fully absorb. One thing is clear,
                                                                                                  however: the resilience of English
                                                                                                  to adapt and evolve in a changing   © Alamy, Getty Images
                                                                                                  environment is considerable.
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