Page 39 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 39
Time Traveller’s Handbook
Zhang Jue He Jin
With China in the middle of a civil war, you are inevitably going The half-brother of the emperor’s consort, He Jin is an
to have to choose sides. Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion ambitious social climber and got himself promoted to
will eventually be crushed, for now they have the upper hand general-in-chief as soon as the
and their leader, Zhang Jue, is a powerful Yellow Turban Rebellion broke
and charismatic general. Originally a faith Fig.03 out. He has dispatched an
healer, he has made himself popular army to each of the
by travelling from village to village, three main rebel
healing the sick for free. Now he has strongholds and
styled himself the ‘Heavenly General’ they are recruiting
and, together with his brothers more soldiers from Fig.04
Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, he is every settlement
fighting against the incompetent they pass through.
government and the heavy taxation He Jin is personally
faced by peasant farmers. taking care of
the defence of
Extra tip: The Zhang brothers Luoyang and he
preach a form of Daoism that is so determined
uses the confession of sins to protect the city that
to heal sickness. They also even political prisoners are
believe that there will be an being released from jail to
apocalyptic change in the man the city’s walls.
current world order at the He Jin is a
start of the new year. Learning shrewd general
the Daoist chants and teachings and ruthless
will be crucial to fit in. opponent.
Helpful skills With revolution brewing, you’ll want to make yourself
useful no matter which side you choose
Fig.05 Peasant farmers are the most
respected of the working
classes. Despite this, inheritance
laws and high taxes mean that
most of them are penniless. It’s
an easy role to play.
Healing Fig.07
The Yellow Turban
leaders are Daoist healers. Confucianism
Knowledge of acupuncture Government positions require
and moxibustion (burning a thorough knowledge of the
dried mugwort on the principles of Confucianism.
body) will let you pass Studying the Five Classics that form
yourself off as a travelling the traditional canon at this time
faith healer like Zhang Jue. Fig.06 could be handy if you switch sides.