Page 41 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 41


                                      on the Ice

                                                   How an obsession with finding the fabled
                                                Northwest Passage through the Arctic doomed

                                                           John Franklin and his 128 men

                                                                        Written by Martyn Conterio

                                           “      nspirited by this wind of promise, my   only nine in the 1700s and 21 in the 1600s. The
                                                                                   Russians, Norwegians and Swedes all sought to find
                                                  daydreams become more fervent and
                                                  vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that
                                                                                   obsessed with doing so than the British.
                                                  the pole is the seat of frost and desolation;   a way through the ice, but arguably none were more
                                             I it ever presents itself to my imagination   The Northwest Passage held such an allure
                                           as the region of beauty and delight.” These are the   because it would dramatically shorten the time it
                                           words of Robert Walton, a fictional explorer in Mary   would take to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
                                           Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, but they could be the   The only existing options — going around the Cape
                                           remembrances of a real-life navigator as so many   of Good Hope in South Africa or Cape Horn in
                                           have obsessed over finding a route through the   Chile — could take several weeks and meant passing
                                           Arctic Ocean. Unfortunately, this did not end well   through treacherous waters. Finding a trade route
                                           for John Franklin, who learnt the hard way that the   through the Arctic waters would give sailors a huge
                                           pole truly is a seat of frost and desolation in 1845.  commercial advantage.
                                             Over the years, this quest to find the fabled   The driving force behind British Arctic
                                           Northwest Passage — as the route through the Arctic  exploration was John Barrow, who was second
                                           is known — frustrated famed explorers including   secretary to the Admiralty from 1808 to 1845. The
                                           Francis Drake, Francisco de Ulloa, Martin Frobisher,   son of a Cumbrian tanner, Barrow had worked
                                           Henry Hudson and James Cook. But in the 19th   his way into the senior naval position — earning
                                           century, with better scientific and geographic   himself a baronet along the way — by proving
                                           knowledge, the search was taken up in earnest with   himself a skilled administrator during the
                                           over 65 expeditions to the region, compared with   Napoleonic Wars. After France was defeated, he was

        June   1845         Late July 1845       January     1846
        From Stromness, Orkney,   At Disko Bay, the Barretto   The expedition lands at    22 April 1848  26 April 1848
        the two vessels head out   Junior’s crew slaughter ten   Beechey Island for the   The ships are    The remaining crew plan to
        across the North Atlantic to   oxen for their meat. Letters   winter, where three crew   12 September 1846  abandoned, having    set off for the mouth of the
        Disko Bay, Greenland. They   are written by officers   die. William Braine, John   Erebus and Terror leave Beechey   been stuck since   Back River, which would
        are accompanied by Barretto   and sent back with the   Torrington and John   Island and set off across Peel   September 1846. The   lead to a Hudson’s Bay
        Junior, a transport ship   ship. Five crew, unfit for   Hartnell are buried in   Sound and down the west coast   ice fails to melt to    Company outpost over 1,500
        carrying provisions for the   the journey, return to the   neatly made graves that   of King William Island. They are   free the vessels the   kilometres away. They have
        teams on board.     United Kingdom as well.  are discovered in 1850.   trapped in ice for two winters.  previous summer.   no chance.
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