Page 45 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 45
exhibition with Greenwich overnight stay
WIN! Private tour of the Death in the ice
Win an exclusive mini-break including
a private curator’s tour of the
Death in the ice exhibition at the
National Maritime Museum,
plus an overnight hotel stay at the
Novotel London Greenwich and
Thames Clippers tickets
For your chance to win, answer the
following question:
What year did John Franklin set sail to
ind the Northwest Passage?
A. 1745 B. 1845 C. 1945
Enter today at
For more
visit In partnership with
Death in the ice On display for the irst time comfort with a queen-sized bed, en-suite bath or shower,
Sir John Franklin and his crew were last As Parks Canada’s Underwater Archaeology Team starts to large, lexible work area and 32-inch LCD TV with free wi-i
seen by Europeans in 1845 as they sailed bring to light the ships and their contents, Death in the ice access. You can also maintain your exercise regime at their
of in ships HMS Erebus and Terror to ind will see some of their discoveries – including personal items, itness centre and relax in their hammam, plus you will also
and map the Northwest Passage. clothing and components of the ships – displayed in Britain receive a generous breakfast with a selection of local and
Nothing more was heard from the men for the irst time. international products (
and, despite a series of expeditions to ind Explore the evidence with us as we piece together the Your prize also includes two hop-on, hop-of River
them, their disappearance has remained a mystery of what really happened to those men on their Roamer tickets courtesy of MBNA Thames Clippers
mystery. Until now. fateful journey. Scrutinise forensic research, inspect (
In 2014, the wreck of HMS Erebus objects recovered from the sea and consider the signiicant Death in the ice: The shocking story of Franklin’s inal
was discovered of the coast of Canada, Inuit oral testimonies to draw your own conclusions as expedition is developed by the Canadian Museum of
followed by the discovery of HMS Terror in to what happened. History, in partnership with Parks Canada and with the
2016. These are two of the most important Your accommodation will be provided by Novotel National Maritime Museum, and in collaboration with the
archaeological inds in recent history. London Greenwich. Enjoy modern decor and ergonomic Government of Nunavut and the Inuit Heritage Trust.
One winner will receive a private tour for two people of the exhibition led by one of the curators, an overnight stay at the Novotel London Greenwich with breakfast included, plus a pair of hop-on, hop-of River Roamer
tickets from MBNA Thames Clippers. The exhibition tour, hotel stay and Thames Clippers tickets must all be redeemed on the same day, to be arranged with winner once they have been chosen and notiied, strictly subject
to the curator’s availability. If for any reason the curator is unable to deliver the guided tour then an alternative solution will be ofered. Exclusion dates apply. Prize cannot be exchanged, sold or transferred. No cash
alternative will be ofered.