Page 50 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 50
The Other Mozart
was imaginative and kind and Wolfgang adored
her. The two invented a secret language only they “She wowed audiences across Europe
could speak and daydreamed about an imaginary
kingdom called Back, where they ruled together as
king and queen. from Munich to Paris”
It only made sense that once Nannerl was
old enough to learn to play, Wolfgang would
immediately wish to do the same. At the age of come, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make
just three, Wolfgang was uncommonly young for he saw something more worthwhile in his son
to begin his musical education, but he had the and daughter. As strict and domineering as he
advantage of a sister willing to act as teaching was, Leopold was utterly and completely devoted
assistant to their father’s tutelage, demonstrating to his children and willing to sacrifice pretty much
and interpreting. Both children quickly excelled. anything for them.
By 1762, Leopold believed his two little For Nannerl, the experience was life-changing,
prodigies were ready to work as concert breathtaking and eye-opening. Aged just 11, and
performers and their skills were proven when, a girl at that, she was able to see and experience
during a visit to Vienna, they played for Empress things that few others would in their entire
Maria Theresa at the imperial court. Immediately lifetime. Music had instantly transformed her
recognising the opportunities his two children life and, although her father’s schedule was
presented him and the gimmick of their young demanding and no doubt exhausting, she adored
ages, Leopold wasted no time and quickly pushed playing for the princely courts they visited.
aside his own dreams of success to focus on his Although it is Wolfgang who would no
children. In 1763, he planned a grand tour that doubt receive top billing today, in much of the
would ensure the siblings and their musical talent contemporary promotion material it was Nannerl
would make waves among the most powerful who headlined the show. Her skill in playing
people in Europe. pieces written by the masters led her to be hailed
The Mozart family’s grand tour was extensive, as “virtuosic”, “a prodigy” and a “genius”. She Wolfgang would often make entries in his sister’s
lasting three years, with the entire family wowed audiences across Europe from Munich to diary, referring to himself in the third person
travelling to the biggest cities in central and Paris, London to Zurich.
western Europe. When Leopold had planned the This was certainly not a tour for the young the two: after a childhood spent watching her
tour, it was certainly not with monetary gain in Wolfgang on which his sister simply just tagged mother obey her father, Nannerl learnt to be very
mind — in fact, much of the profit made went along. It would have been natural for Wolfgang, good at doing what she was told. Wolfgang, on the
towards lavish living expenses. the tiny little seven year old in his wig, his other hand, was encouraged to create.
Leopold had something to prove. He wished short legs barely reaching the pedals, to achieve While touring just outside London in 1764,
to make an impact across the continent with his the most attention, but his sister’s skills shone Leopold fell ill and the two children were ordered
children’s talents. He himself had been promoted through. As her father wrote, “Nannerl no longer to keep it quiet. Wolfgang took this opportunity to
to deputy Kapellmeister, or conductor, in the suffers by comparison with the boy, for she plays go to his closest companion, his sister, and request
orchestra of the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, so beautifully that everyone is talking about her she write down his first symphony. Years later,
but he would rise no further. He would be ignored and admiring her execution.” Nannerl would recall that he said, “Remind me to
and watch others promoted above him for years to However, there was one key difference between give something good to the horns!”
It is impossible to know if Nannerl simply
The last time Nannerl and Wolfgang wrote down what her brother told her to or if she
saw each other was in 1783 collaborated and offered some ideas. However, it
seems unlikely that he would request his sister
only to be a quiet scribe. He adored and idolised
her. Naturally there may have been some sibling
rivalry, but he undoubtedly respected her abilities,
so it is not too much of a leap to say that she could
have made suggestions.
The piece is ultimately credited to Wolfgang,
and it is important to recognise his gift and
talents even at so young an age. But it is also
inconceivable to ignore the influence and role his
sister played in his musical development, especially
in his formative years, whether that was as a fellow
composer, or simply a source of encouragement
during those early years.
Unfortunately, this partnership would experience
a sudden and severe fracture. In 1769, Nannerl
turned 18, meaning she was of marriageable age,
which, as far as her father was concerned, signalled
the end of her performing career. One wonders if
Leopold would have taken this decision if he did
not have her younger brother to focus on, such