Page 54 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 54

The Other Mozart

        WOlfgAng’s                Wife

          The disliked woman who helped to secure
              the famous composer’s legacy
        Many of Wolfgang Mozart’s biographers have little
        good to say about his wife, Constanze. She is described
        as dim-witted, flirtatious and a bad influence on her
        husband. There were many who also held this belief
        when she was alive — most notably Leopold, and
        possibly even Nannerl — but this simply was not true.
         Constanze Weber came from a family of skilled
        and talented musicians and her father was not only a
        singing teacher but also a double bass player, copyist
        and prompter. Her three sisters and herself were all
        acclaimed, accomplished singers, and the entire family
        grew up in Mannheim, an important musical centre.
         One of the main reasons why Mozart’s family were
        so displeased with the union was because Constanze
        moved in with her husband before they were married —
        arrangements that prompted relative scandal — and they   The children played for the great
                                              and good of European royalty
        were quickly married before Leopold could consent.
         Many saw Constanze as a harlot, but in reality she
        was a sophisticated and shrewd businesswoman. When   “Throughout everything, her love for
        Mozart fell into debt, she took to action while her
        husband was away, organising a house move and setting
        up loans and publications. Not only did her own musical    music had endured”
        tastes, such as Baroque counterpoint, greatly influence
        her husband’s work, but he also wrote soprano solos
        intended for her.
                                               raise the child himself, first for a few months and   and earned a living as a music teacher. Throughout
         Constanze’s dedication to her husband did not end
                                               then indefinitely. Although the boy’s ill health in   everything, her love for music had endured.
        with his death. Aged just 29, with a seven-year-old child
                                               infancy could account for this, it doesn’t explain   Wolfgang died from a mysterious illness in
        and four-month-old baby, she set about ensuring her
                                               why he remained there once he got better. It is   1791, and this seemed to awaken Nannerl to the
        family’s stability and her husband’s legacy by arranging
                                               possible that Leopold saw in his grandson a chance  relationship they once had. She wrote pieces for
        memorial concerts. These concerts featured a dazzling
                                               again to harvest musical genius, and he began   his biography and supplied many anecdotes about
        array of musical greats, including Beethoven himself.
                                               giving him musical training at a very young age.  the brother she had known and loved. Despite
        She also toured Germany and Austria, performing her
                                                 It is perhaps indicative of Nannerl’s total   being as disapproving as her father of Wolfgang’s
        husband’s work with her acclaimed sister, Aloysia, and
                                               subordination to her father that she let this happen   wife, she put that aside to work with Constanze on
        support for Mozart’s music grew and grew.
                                               and saw her son on very few occasions. Wolfgang   her brother’s biography. Together the two women
         Even when Constanze remarried, it was with the spirit
                                               heard about the arrangement through a mutual   played an enormous part in assembling and
        of her husband in mind. She and her new husband,
                                               acquaintance and, when he asked his father if he   handing down musical source material.
        Georg Nissen, worked together to publish Mozart’s music
                                               could care for his own children while he was on   She later wrote that when reading about
        and create his biography. When Nissen died, Constanze
                                               tour, Leopold refused. Leopold recounted this to   her brother, her sisterly feelings were
        alone marketed and sold the book to publishers, creating
                                               Nannerl by saying, “He found out that the child   completely reanimated and she was
        not only a considerable fortune for herself but a lasting
                                               is with me, which I’d never told him: so this was   often reduced to tears at the “sad
        memorial to her two husbands.
                                               how the good idea occurred to him or perhaps   condition” he found himself in.
                                  Constanze    his wife. That would certainly not be bad, — They   For Nannerl, her affection towards
                                  came from
                                  an equally   could travel in peace, — could die, — could stay in   the little boy who would strive
                                  musical family  England, — then I could run after them with the   to copy his sister had never
                                               children.” Musical genius or not, it was very clear at  truly vanished, and now she did
                                               this point who the favourite child was.   everything she could to preserve
                                                 However, Leopold died in 1787 and Nannerl   his memory and promote his work.
                                               finally had to live her own life without his support.   We have much to thank Nannerl
                                               By the time Wolfgang heard of his father’s death,   for, as it was the period following
                                               he was already buried but, estrangement aside,   Wolfgang’s death that helped
                                               the passing of such a strong and central figure in   his reputation to grow. She
                                               their life devastated both siblings. Wolfgang and   gave over all of her private
                                               Nannerl had written countless intimate letters to   correspondence in order to
     © Alamy, Getty Images, Thinkstock         now mainly concerned their father’s estate and, by   attention he deserved and,
                                               each other in their youth, but their correspondence
                                                                                       see her little brother get the
                                                                                       most likely, to help her
                                               1788, they stopped writing entirely.
                                                                                       beloved father achieve that
                                                 In 1801, Nannerl’s husband died, and for the first
                                               time she was free of the influence and orders of
                                                                                       which had been his life work
     54                                        men. She returned to Salzburg with her children   — to create a musical legend.
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