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P. 58

Greatest Battles

            Mexican                            Phase 1
            Army of                            Phase 2
          Operations                           Phase 3

            TROOPS 6,000
             CANNONS 21
                                      01    Stretch the defences
                                            Santa Anna’s plan to attack the Alamo
                                      with 1,700 men in the pre-dawn darkness on
                                      6 March calls for four columns to advance
                                      simultaneously against the compound. The                              01
                                      columns charge the centre of the north and
                                      east walls, as well as the northeastern and
                                      southeastern corners.

                                      02 attack
                                      At 5.30am, Mexican assault
        ANTONIO LÓPEZ DE              troops charge into the teeth
        SANTA ANNA                    of heavy fire from the Texians
                                      on the north wall. Although
        LEADER                        equipped with 28 scaling ladders,
        A shrewd politician and bold   they fail to gain the parapet. The
                                      Mexicans seek protection directly
        commander steeped in the
                                      beneath the wall and exchange
        Napoleonic tradition who excelled at
                                      fire with the defenders as they
        administrative planning and logistics.
                                      mull over their next move.
        Strengths Knew the value of a
        rapid march and surprise.
        Weakness Used terror as a
        weapon to intimidate the enemy.      Cannon                                               03
                                      03blasts                                                             04
                                      American cannoneers on
                                      raised platforms fire at                      02
                                      close range into the tight
                                      ranks of the attackers.
                                      Some of the gun crews
                                      use langrage — scrap iron
                                      that functioned like a
                                      canister round — killing
        PERMANENTES                   and maiming a dozen or
                                      more men at a time.
        KEY UNIT
        They possessed an esprit de corps
        that was an essential quality for
        assault troops.
        Strengths Line troops of various
        types, including light troops,
        grenadiers and sappers.
        Weakness Lacked skill and
        proficiency with their rifles.


        KEY WEAPON
        The .75 calibre Brown Bess had
        good range and accuracy for a   04      Reinforcements to the rescue
        smoothbore musket.                      Although all four attacks falter in the face of the
        Strengths A robust, durable     defenders’ well-aimed fire, Santa Anna commits his reserves in   05  Bring your axe
        firearm that could perform well in   an all-out effort to breach the north wall. General Juan Amador,   General Martín de Cos’ men
                                        leader of the reinforcements, climbs over the wall with some of   fan out along the lightly defended west
        harsh environments.
                                        his men, one of whom opens a door in the north wall. Mexican   wall, where they use axes to smash
        Weakness The Mexicans used
                                        troops pour into the compound, forcing the Texians to abandon   their way through doors and windows
        low-quality gunpowder that
                                        the walls and retreat to final stands in the church and barracks.   to gain entry into the compound.
        compromised the gun’s performance.
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