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P. 59

Battle of the Alamo

                                                              10    Big explosion averted               Texian     Army
                                                                    A group of Mexican soldiers charge
                                                              up a ramp to the raised artillery platform at the   TROOPS 189
                                                              back of the church, where they shoot or stab the
                                                              artillerymen manning three cannons. They shoot   CANNONS 21
                                                              a man who is trying to ignite the fort’s gunpowder
                                                              magazine with a torch.

            09                                                09     Hand-to-hand combat
                                                                     Tennessean Davy Crockett orders his
                                                              men to fall back to the church for a final stand.
                                                              The defenders inside the building rely on pistols
                                                              and knives, but they are heavily outnumbered by
                                                              bayonet-wielding Mexicans who are killing soldiers
                                                              and civilians alike.

                                                                                                       LIEUTENANT COLONEL
                                                                                                       WILLIAM B TRAVIS
                           08                                                                          LEADER
                                                                                                       A well-educated lawyer who
                                                                                                       sought to obtain larger numbers of
                                                                                                       reinforcements to no avail.
                                                                                                       Strengths Diligent, methodical
                                                                                                       and fearless when faced with
                                                                                                       overwhelming odds.
                                     06                                                                Weaknesses Moody, vain and
                                                                                                       inexperienced in field command.
                                                                              The majority of the
                                                                              Americans retreat
                                                                              to buildings inside
                                                                              the fort, where they
                                                                              take up fortified
                                                                              positions. Colonel Jim
                                                                              Bowie, a gravely ill
                                                                              prominent volunteer,     CROCKETT’S
                                                                              is slain in his sick bed
                                                                              in a room along the      TENNESSEE MOUNTED
                                                                              south wall. Although
                                                                              Bowie technically        VOLUNTEERS
                                                                              outranks Travis, the     KEY UNIT
                                                                              latter commands          Their experience on the frontier
                                                                              Texian regulars rather
                                                                                                       fighting Indians made them
                                                                              than volunteers and      resilient soliders.
                                                                              therefore is the senior
                                                                                                       Strengths They fought with
                                                                                                       extraordinary ferocity.
                                                                                                       Weaknesses As citizen-soldiers,
                                                                                                       they were sometimes prone to
                                                                                                       disobeying commands.

                                                              07     Escape attempt
                                                                     With Mexicans swarming into the
                                                              compound from multiple directions, approximately   LONG RIFLE
                                                              75 defenders flee over the east wall of the fort   KEY WEAPON
         06     Silence the big gun                           in a desperate bid to escape certain death. A   Sharpshooters relied on its superb
                Colonel Juan Morales leads 100
                                                              regiment of mounted lancers stationed to the east
         men who climb the walls at the southwest             systematically run down the enemy, killing them   accuracy to pick off enemy
                                                                                                       artillerymen during the siege.
         corner of the compound and capture the fort’s        with their lances and sabres. Mounted lancers
                                                                                                       Strengths A highly effective long-
         only 18-pounder cannon before the Texians            from other parts of the perimeter arrive to help   range rifle.
         can spike it. The bulk of his troops fan out         hunt down the escapees and ensure that they are
         through the southern half of the compound.           all caught.                              Weaknesses Slower to reload than
                                                                                                       a smoothbore musket.     © Alamy, Getty Images, Nicholas Forder
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