Page 64 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 64

The House of Kim

          The year 1994 was perhaps the worst for North   Il-sung, now entombed and embalmed in a    In fact, Jong-il was born in a guerrilla camp and
          Koreans since the founding of their nation 45   giant mausoleum in the centre of Pyongyang,    no strange metrological or astronomical incidents
          years previously. The country was ravaged   was named ‘eternal president’ — forever the   were reported. His younger brother drowned in
          by a tragic famine (the result of a disastrous   DPRK’s Supreme Leader.       1947 in a swimming pool accident and many
          communist planning system), they were feeling   Once Il-sung had declared his eldest son as his   have long believed that the older boy pushed the
          the effects of the now dissolved Soviet Union’s   heir in the 1980s, the personality cult machinery   younger under the water and held him down, but
          ‘fraternal aid’ being cut off, and, Kim Il-sung,   went into full swing and soon there wasn’t a   evidence of this is unfounded.
          father of the nation, died.            single North Korean citizen who did not know   Though Kim’s official origin may sound
            For the first time, Western observers saw the   Jong-il’s official origin story. He was reputedly   comically bizarre to those outside of the country,
          mass outpourings of grief that have become such   born on Mount Paektu, Korea’s highest and most   it makes more sense in the context of the Korean
          a hallmark of the subsequent deaths of senior   sacred mountain. As he came into the world, a   tradition of deploying mythology as a tool to
          leaders in the North. The entire country — much   new star appeared in the sky, a double rainbow   perpetuate tradition and inspire the population.
          of it starving and economically on its knees —   appeared, an iceberg on a nearby lake cracked,   The story is allegory and is probably understood
          went into an official Confucian three-year period   strange lights filled the sky and a swallow passed   as such by most ordinary North Koreans, even
          of national mourning.                  by overhead to pass the news of his birth on to   though it served to raise the stature of Jong-il
            During that time, and as expected, Kim Jong-  the world. The legend went on that a young    and perpetuate the personality cult that came to
          il was declared the ‘Dear Leader’, charged with   Jong-il remained by his father’s side until the   surround him and his family.
          following in his father’s footsteps. So great were   Japanese were defeated, finally expelled from   Despite the propaganda, Jong-il’s reign wasn’t
          those footsteps that Jong-il was declared the   Korea and Pyongyang liberated for a bright, new   guaranteed. The North Korean Army’s leadership
          North’s number two leader and the deceased   communist future.                thought him weak — not a soldier like his father.
                                                                                        However, Jong-il had proved he was suitably
            Kim Jong-il had his own                                                     blood thirsty early on. As a senior official under
            official portraits made
            when he succeeded his                                                       his father, Jong-il is thought to have ordered the
            father in 1994                                                              1983 bombing in Rangoon that killed 17 visiting
                                                                                        South Korean officials. Additionally, some high-
                                                                                        level defectors have claimed that he ordered the
                                                                                        1987 shooting down of a South Korean airliner
                                                                                        that killed all 115 passengers on board.

                                                                                         A family portrait of Jong-il
                                                                                         with his parents

                       Pueblo incident                        The axe murder incident          North Korea’s first nuclear test
                       23 January 1968                        18 August 1976                   9 October 2006
                       Although outside North Korean waters, USS Pueblo was   US Army officers were cutting down trees   Despite the ‘Sunshine Policy’ from South Korea to defuse
                       seized by the North Korean Navy. All 83 crewmembers   in the DMZ when they were attacked by   tensions on the peninsula and six-party talks involving
                       were captured and one killed, creating a diplomatic   DPRK soldiers. Two Americans were killed   the North with the South, China, Russia, Japan and the
                       incident. The ship remains moored on Pyongyang’s   by the North Koreans, who oddly claimed   US to seek dialogue, the DPRK exploded a nuclear bomb
                       Taedong River as a tourist attraction.  that Kim Il-sung had planted the trees.   in direct contravention of international treaties.

          Blue House Raid                          Discovery of incursion tunnels  Korean Air Flight 858
        21 January 1968                          15 November 1974                29 November 1987
        This was an attempt by North Korean commandos to   South Korean and American forces at the DMZ   Korean Air Flight 858 was a scheduled international passenger flight between
        assassinate the South Korean president, Park Chung-hee,   were shocked to discover four tunnels crossing   Baghdad and Seoul that exploded in mid-air upon the detonation of a bomb
        in his residence, the Blue House in Seoul. It is thought   the zone that had been dug by North Korea. The   planted inside an overhead storage bin by North Korean agents. It was the
        the attack was in response to Park’s support of the US in   tunnels were 91 by 121 centimetres, reinforced   34th anniversary of the end of the Korea War, and the attack is thought to
        the Vietnam War. 26 South Koreans were killed.   with concrete and had electric lighting.   have been masterminded by Kim Jong-il himself to derail unification talks.
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