Page 66 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 66

The House of Kim

                                                                                        It was never intended, at least not by Kim Jong-il,
          While the general population struggles to survive, the North Korean           that his youngest son, Jong-un, would ever rule
                          leaders indulge on Western luxuries                           the DPRK. From the late 1990s, the Dear Leader
                                                                                        determined that his eldest Jong-nam, regardless
                                                                                        of being born out of wedlock, should continue
                                                                                        the Kim dynasty and control North Korea
                                                                                        some day. But that decision was taken without
        a year in Cognac                                                                considering Jong-nam’s suitability or what Jong-
                                                                                        il’s wife thought of his mistress’ child taking the
        Kim Jong-il was a legendary consumer of Hennessy                                leadership from her own sons. What happened
        Paradis Cognac and the brand’s largest private buyer                            next really does deserve the much-overused
                                                                                        epithet of ‘Shakespearean’.
                                                                                         In 2001, Jong-nam took his son and mistress to
                                                                                        Japan. It was a foolhardy trip — not only is Japan
                                                                                        a sworn enemy of the DPRK, but the man touted
                                                                                        to be the next leader of the world’s most hardline
                At least a          dozen                Harleys                        communist state was going to visit an icon of
                                                                                        capitalist decadence, Tokyo Disneyland. And all
                                                                                        on fake Dominican Republic passports.
               Kim Jong-il, and now reportedly his son, Kim Jong-un, have had a long fascination with Harley
                                                                                         He was caught at the airport by Japanese
                 Davidson motorbikes, although they can only ride them in their high-security compounds
                                                                                        passport control officials. His father was so
                                                                                        embarrassed that he cancelled a long-planned
                                                                                        trip to the DPRK’s only ally, China. Jong-nam was
                                                                                        officially in disgrace. He had forfeited the role
                   a 4  Rothmans                                                        moving to anonymity in Macao.
                                                                                        of heir to the throne and was cast out into exile,
                                                                                         There are those who believe that Jong-il’s wife
                                                                                        and the DPRK’s ‘Supreme Mother’, Young-sook,
                                                                                        was behind Jong-nam’s apprehension at Tokyo’s
                                                                                        Narita Airport. She did not want the offspring of
        Kim Jong-il reputedly smoked four packs of
                                                                                        a mistress to usurp her eldest son, and so Jong-
        imported Rothmans cigarettes a day before publicly
                                                                                        chul became the heir apparent, groomed to be
        quitting. His son, though, is a confirmed smoker,
                                                                                        leader, seen at his father’s side and with Young-
        but he smokes a more patriotic copycat version of
                                                                                        sook beaming wide.
        Rothmans called Paektusan
                                                                                         But something went wrong and Jong-chul
                                       one                    jet   skis                lacked the necessary ruthlessness to be a dictator,
                                                                                        was sidelined. Some said his father thought he
                                                                                        others that Young-sook had always seen her
                                       Mercedes              Kim Jong-un enjoys jet skiing   youngest but most beloved son, Jong-un, as the
                                                                                        As yet, the young leader’s
                                        Kim Jong-un only has one   with his close associates. He is   personality cult is not fully
                                         personal Merc, but it’s a   thought to have at least 20 jet   formed, though it seems
                                                                                        he will seek to imitate his
                                        limited edition Mercedes-  skis that he rides around one of   grandfather rather than
                                         Benz 600 luxury sedan  his private artificial lakes  father in his look


        white       Orlov

        trotter       horses              movies in his library
                                          Kim Jong-il allowed one channel of TV and no foreign films in
        Kim Jong-un has nine rare white Orlov trotter   his country, yet had a private video library of 20,000 Rambo,
        horses procured from a from a stud farm in Siberia  James Bond, kung fu and horror movies
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