Page 65 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 65

The House of Kim

                                                                                         Shakier than you
                                                       Jong-il (bottom left)
                                                       with his family
                                                                                         might think
                                                                                         The Kim dynasty projects an
                                                                                         aura of total control, but there
                                                                                         have  been  challenges…

                                                                                         The rumours over the years are many and varied:
                                                                                         bodyguards-turned-assassins, army generals starting
                                                                                         coups and fratricidal in-fighting in the clan. But they
                                                                                         have largely been just that — rumours.
                                                                                           Immediately after the cessation of hostilities in
                                                                                         1953, Kim Il-sung showed that he had learned from
                                                                                         Stalin by holding a show trial for a dozen party
                                                                                         officials accused of aiding the Japanese and plotting
                                                                                         to replace him as leader. All 12 were found guilty
                                Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il are                          and executed. Whether there was any truth to their
                                still everywhere in North Korea
                                                                                         collaboration with the Japanese is questionable. A
                                                                                         year later the former leader of the Korean Communist
          The Koreans have a proverb: ‘Tiger father, dog   more and more common in even privileged
                                                                                         Party in the South moved to the DPRK. He was
        son’. It was thought to be whispered by some   Pyongyang. But nukes could give Jong-il total   deemed a possible challenger. A Moscow-style show
        army officers alongside rumours of Jong-il’s   power; they were weapons of mass destruction   trial was staged and he, too, was executed.
        legendary louche life of massive French Cognac   that he would control and ones that could   Rumours have continued to swirl. In the late 1960s,
        consumption, Hollywood movies and mistresses.   subordinate the conventional armed forces. The   China claimed that Kim Il-sung had been arrested by
        Most of those army officers were purged. He   Dear Leader, with his finger on the button, was   coup-plotting army generals — it wasn’t true. In 1970,
        also put on more show trials and sentenced   arguably the deadliest man in the world.  several senior army commanders were again purged
        executions in the style of his father’s reign.  There may be many exaggerations about Kim   for opposing the Supreme Leader’s policies, while
                                                                                         there have long been rumours of a coup attempt in
          The so-called Dear Leader secured total power.   Jong-il’s life, but his fondness for mistresses was
                                                                                         1992 by Moscow-trained soldiers.
        Across the country, statues and posters went   a fact. He had a son in 1971, Kim Jong-nam, with
                                                                                           Kim Jong-il has faced challenges, too. Stories
        up showing the two rulers together and North   Song Hye-rim, a leading North Korean movie
                                                                                         circulated of a planned coup by army units in the
        Koreans pinned the ubiquitous lapel badges   actress and beauty. He also had two more sons,   famine-stricken northeast region in 1995. In 1998, a
        featuring the father and son to their clothes — to   Kim Jong-chul in 1981 and Kim Jong-un in 1984,   shoot-out between police and soldiers led to a curfew
        lose or forget to wear one became a crime. The   with Ko Yong-hui. Other mistresses followed   in Pyongyang in what, it is assumed, was a direct
        king and the prince were on every classroom   before he finally married Kim Young-sook, the   challenge to Jong-il’s rule.
        wall, subway carriage, jacket and street poster.  daughter of a high-ranking Workers’ Party leader   Coups fomented from outside are rumoured, too.
          Jong-il had one more plan to consolidate power   and Kim clan loyalist.        The George W Bush administration always refused
        and ensure no rivals in the army ever rose up and   As was the ancient Korean imperial tradition,   to rule out a pre-emptive strike on the North, while
                                                                                         the Pentagon’s ‘Operational Plan 5030’ was designed
        contemplated a coup: nuclear weapons. He tore   the three sons and heirs were brought up
                                                                                         to use South Korea and American troop operations
        up every arms control agreement his father had   separately, rarely — if ever — meeting, and then
                                                                                         to diminish the DPRK’s resources, wear down their
        signed and restarted the North’s nuclear weapons   only at state occasions for a matter of moments.
                                                                                         military and promote a coup attempt. But it was
        development programme.                 Yet, as Kim Jong-il increasingly became a sick   never put into action.
          Billions of won (North Korea’s currency)   and dying man, it was to be the battle between   And now one more rumour. After purging and
        were devoted to the project while the country   these three siblings that would almost destroy   executing his own uncle, Kim Jong-un was faced with
        remained hungry in the North’s desperate   the monarchy created by his father and lead to   a possible coup led by his exiled half-brother, Jong-
        countryside, and power blackouts became   exile, feuding and, perhaps, fratricidal murder.  nam. That attempt perhaps ended in Kuala Lumpur
                                                                                         International Airport in February.

        The North likes to issue dramatic threats, and has done so
        regularly throughout its seven decades of existence

                       Yeonpyeong Island firefights           DMZ landmines                 Anti-ship missiles unveiled
                       23 November 2010                       4 August 2015                 8 June 2017
                       With tensions still high after the ROKS Cheonan sinking, the   Confirmation that the DPRK was planting   After several rounds of missile tests that provoked the US 7th
                       North deliberately fired at the South-controlled Yeonpyeong   additional and highly explosive landmines   Fleet to approach the DPRK’s coast, the North fired anti-ship
                       Island, killing two South Korean soldiers and two civilians.   in the DMZ came with the wounding of   missiles into the Sea of Japan. Pyongyang was particularly
                       The South returned fire, killing ten DPRK soldiers. The South   two South Korean soldiers who stepped on   unhappy about the US deployment of the Terminal High
                       evacuated the island for the islanders’ own safety.   mines. The North denied planting them.   Altitude Area Defense anti-ballistic missile shield around Seoul.

          The sinking of ROKS Cheonan             Drone wars                         Yeoncheon missile attacks
        26 March 2010                            24 March 2014                     20 August 2015
        This is perhaps the closest the North and South have come to   The South accused North Korea of flying drones   In a highly provocative attack, the DPRK fired conventional missiles at the
        renewed war. The South Korean warship ROKS Cheonan was   close to the Blue House in Seoul. DPRK drones   southern city of Yeoncheon, home to 46,000 people. Citizens were evacuated
        sunk by an explosion thought to be from the North, though   were shot down at sea, close to the South’s capital,   into specially built bunkers, and South Korean artillery fired several times back
        Pyongyang denied it. 104 crewmembers were killed or injured   and flying across the DMZ to spy on South Korean   into the DPRK. High-level talks were convened immediately to de-escalate the
        and there were demonstrations of anger and grief in Seoul.   and American military installations.   tension, though the North failed to explain why they acted as they did.
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