Page 67 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 67

The House of Kim

                                Pyongyang residents
                                  take part in a rally
                                 commemorating the
                                      Korean War

                                Crowds in Pyongyang
                                  watch a TV screen
                                  showing their new
                                Supreme Leader Kim                                                        Kim Jong-un oversees
                                                                                                           a drill of the Korean
                                 Jong-un at a Central                                                          People’s Army
                                 Committee Meeting
        heir. Jong-chul disappeared from the headlines   ever closer to a deliverable missile, but he has   unfinished business that nagged at him, a source
        in Pyongyang, his picture stopped appearing and   also managed to slightly rejuvenate the country’s   of potential opposition, a problem from long
        suddenly, beside his now visibly ailing father, was   economy, too. Alongside all this, he has proved   ago that could become an issue tomorrow — his
        a young man, barely in his 20s — Kim Jong-un.   to any who have doubted them his hard man   disgraced and exiled half-brother, Kim Jong-nam.
          His years of debauchery finally caught up with   credentials. Arguably, of the three Supreme   In February 2017, Jong-nam visited Kuala Lumpur
        him, and Kim Jong-il died in December 2011.   Leaders of the DPRK, it is Kim Jong-un who has   and spent several days there, though it is unclear
        Briefly, out of public view, the three brothers paid   been the most ruthless.   who he met. He then went to the city’s airport to
        their respects to their father at the enormous   Political purging is now an established tactic of   catch a flight back to Macao.
        mausoleum where he was enbalmed and placed   regime survival for the Kim clan, but Jong-un has   In the departures terminal, two women threw
        alongside the eternal president, Kim Il-sung,   taken it to new levels of barbarity. Within three   a poisoned towel over his face and killed him.
        at the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun in central   years of his rule, he initiated the purging of at   They were caught but knew nothing. A number
        Pyongyang. Jong-nam came back from exile   least 70 senior officials. And if anyone questioned  of North Korean men wanted by Malaysian
        in Macao under Beijing’s protection, Jong-chul   that he was truly a supreme leader, he shocked   police disappeared; the DPRK’s embassy denied
        from internal exile (having recently been seen   even ordinary North Koreans (usually given only   everything and sought to recover Jong-nam’s
        in Singapore at an Eric Clapton concert), and   the most opaque news of what is happening at   body before an autopsy could be performed. It is
        they stood alongside the new Supreme Leader,   the centre) by publicly, on prime time television   very likely that, despite ongoing trials in Kuala
        28-year-old Kim Jong-un. They were together   in the DPRK, having his own uncle and one-time   Lumpur, nothing will ever be conclusively proved.
        for a matter of moments and then Jong-chul   close mentor, arrested.         But if there was anyone who could lead a coup
        disappeared back into his Pyongyang home and   Jang Song-thaek, the number two leader of   against Jong-un, it was Jong-nam. That option is
        Jong-nam flew back to Macao.           North Korea, was arguably the leading male   now gone and Kim Jong-un rules truly supreme.
          The world underestimated Jong-un. He was   role model in Jong-un’s early life, given his own   But what happens next is less clear than ever.
        ridiculed overseas for being too young, too   father’s distance. But in the end this didn’t save   Jong-un is 33, married to Ri Sol-ju, the daughter
        inexperienced and a playboy like his father,   him — Jang was accused of treachery and plotting  of close Kim dynasty associates, and they are
        who seemed to prefer hob-knobbing with minor   a coup. He endured a show trial and was then   believed — though it has never been formally
        basketball celebrities and good living to turning   summarily executed.      confirmed — to have had a daughter in 2012 or
        around an ailing economy and isolated country.   Jang’s execution appeared to be the final   2013. Add to the mix the current nuclear sabre-
        But Jong-un surprised everyone. Not only has he   consolidation of Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un’s   rattling and the line of Kim succession – and the
        accelerated the nuclear programme and edged   total power. But perhaps there was one piece of   future of the DPRK – is far from certain.

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