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P. 51

The Other Mozart

                                                                                                      Frankfurt, Germany
                                                                                                      Sept 1763
                       A A A                            The Hague, the Netherlands                    Leopold begins promoting the
                                                                                                      children through posters, appealing
                                                        Sept 1765- Apr 1766
                                                                                                      to the nobility and gentry, but
               The Grand Tour                           The Mozarts have been plagued with ill health   some take on the aspects of a freak
                                                        the whole trip, but while in the Hague, Nannerl’s
                                                                                                      show. The age of the children is
                                                        cold turns into typhoid fever and by 21 October it
                                                                                                      lowered to make them appear even
                                                        is so severe she is given the last sacrament. She is
                 From 1763 to 1766, the Mozart family   saved by a fortunate visit by the royal physician.   more impressive than they are.
                 travelled Europe playing for the most
                      distinguished audiences
                                                               The Hague
                                            London                           Utrecht
                                                        Calais          Brussels
                   London,  England                           Lille      Liège
                   Apr 1764-Jul 1765
                   While Leopold is blighted                                  Mainz     Frankfurt
                   by illness, Wolfgang busies
                   himself with composition.          Paris                            Mannheim
                   He writes his first
                   symphony, Symphony No. 1
                   in E flat major, K16, at only
                   eight years of age.

                                                                                    Zurich              Salzburg

                                    Paris, France
                                                               Lyon                         Salzburg, Austria
                                    Nov 1763- Apr 1764
                                    Through a court connection,                             July 1763
                                    the family are able to stay at                          The tour gets off to a rocky start when
              Outward journey       Versailles for two weeks. The                           a wheel breaks off the carriage. Leopold
              to London             queen in particular takes a liking                      decides to take his son to a nearby church,
                                    to Wolfgang and allows him to                           where he plays an organ pedalboard as if
              Return journey        kiss her hand, apparently while                         he had been playing it for months.
              to Salzburg           she feeds him morsels of food.

        was his dedication to his children’s gifts. But the   a product of her time. This world was not one
        fact is he did, and we will never know how far   where women had their own voice; had she fought
        Nannerl’s abilities would have developed had   her father on this issue, the scandal would have
        she had the stage to perform them on. As far as   been devastating for the family, so the girl whose
        society was concerned, it was fine for a little girl   life had been led by music and travel stopped
        to travel and perform, but for a woman it would   performing and did as she was told.
        be scandalous — and Leopold could not risk her   It is very clear that Wolfgang missed his sister
        ruining the reputation of his prodigious son. As   immensely. Throughout his letters he pines after
        father and son continued to travel Europe and play   her, writing “I only wish that my sister were in
        to distinguished audiences, Nannerl now remained   Rome”, and, when waiting for her letters, ”I have
        at home with her mother.               had an aching feeling, because I have been so long
          Although Nannerl wrote much correspondence,   waiting in vain for an answer.”
                                                                                        Wolfgang often
        there is no record of her bemoaning this fate or   Although they were apart, the strong relationship   mocked his
        showing any contempt towards her father for it.   between the two was obvious. Wolfgang jokingly   sister for her bad
                                                                                        singing voice
        Not only was she astonishingly obedient, she was   refers to her as “horseface” and wrote to her with
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