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P. 40

A contemporary engraving of the
         doomed expedition weathering a
         gale in an ice pack

        Expedition                                                                                        19 May 1845

        timeline                            December     1844    January     1845     May   1845          HMS Erebus and HMS
                                                                                                          Terror set off from
                                            At the instigation of Sir
                                                                                      Days before setting sail,
                                                                 Despite Admiralty
                                            John Barrow, second   misgivings regarding   Franklin, recovering from   Greenhithe, Kent. They
        From the expedition’s               secretary to the Admiralty   Franklin’s age, he is given   a bout of flu, remonstrates   sail for the Orkney Islands
        hopeful inception to                until 1845, a new expedition   the commission to lead the   with his wife for placing an   taking the North Sea route.
                                            is mounted to map the   search for the Northwest   embroidered silk Union Jack   Franklin is well regarded as
        its disastrous                      Northwest Passage once   Passage after Captain James   over his body while in bed.   a captain by the officers and
        disappearance                       and for all.         Ross declines the offer.   He declared it a bad omen.   crew alike.
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