Page 75 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 75

By the middle of the
        19th century, towns
        such as Brighton had
        already expanded, numbering 44,000 in the 1841
        census. Other popular resorts like Blackpool and
        Llandudno had started much smaller, but with the
        industrial centres of Manchester and the Midlands
        not far away, they rapidly turned into the must-go
        places for groups of friends and co-workers looking
        for a few hours of fun.
          In response to such high demand and the
        ability of some holidaymakers to even stay for a
        night or two, accommodation became a valuable
        commodity. A range of boarding houses and
        hotels sprang up to suit every budget. Resorts that
        regarded themselves as catering for the better class   A young couple frolic in the foreground
                                                  while others enjoy the sands at Yarmouth
        of person — places like Brighton with its royal links
                                                  beach, taken in 1895
        to the Georgian era and Ryde on the Isle of Wight,
        with its proximity to Queen Victoria’s Osborne   With typical Victorian enterprise and invention,   strict ties of social boundaries that they fully
        House — tended to already have large, grand hotels   technology and mechanisation had their parts to   embraced. Ladies’ swimwear become slightly
        as close to the seafront as possible.   play. Electric lighting illuminated the promenade,   less restrictive and more risqué; the sexes mixed
          But for Blackpool and similar destinations,   steam carousels and fairground rides appeared on   openly on the prom; bawdy ‘what the butler saw’
        the lack of deeply rooted tradition meant they   the prom and the pier. Competing resorts made   machines appeared in the arcades; and comedians
        had more freedom and could virtually start from   bold statements to attract customers, and what   told rude jokes in the music halls.
        scratch. Boarding houses and small hotels became   better way than with a replica of the Eiffel Tower   Tired of increasingly having to mix with the hoi
        booming businesses, but one rule applied no   at Blackpool to embody a sense of pride and   polloi, the upper classes began to abandon their
        matter where you stayed: the closer to the sea, the   success? The beach had not been forgotten — it   traditional resorts. Instead they spent their time
        higher the price. And unscrupulous landlords were   was now just part of the whole drama and no   and money on foreign holidays where, for now at
        always looking for ways of extracting as much   longer the main character. What had been created   least, the masses could not follow. What was
        out of people’s pockets as they could by whatever   for the seaside break was more choice and less   left were the majority who had
        means necessary — especially what was meant   reason to leave.                  learned how to relax and enjoy
        by a ‘sea view’!                         From rather sedate, genteel beginnings at the   themselves, willing and able to
          With the development of the resorts came   start of the Victorian age, by the end of the 19th   spend their hard-earned cash on a
        the expansion of the wealth of the towns and   century things were starting to look somewhat   dazzling array of entertainments.
        what they were able to offer in entertainment for   different. As the era progressed, so did the resorts,   It was the working man
        holidaymakers to spend their money on. In many   expanding not only in size but in what they had   and his family who had taken
        cases, the local pier would be extended to become   to offer. Demand drove innovation not only in the   ownership of the seaside
        even more impressive, offering a greater variety of   construction of new entertainments but also in   holiday. With ever-improving
        entertainment than before.              transport, with rapid improvement of the railway   conditions for workers,
          Building was sometimes on a grand scale, with   network to help quench the ever-popular thirst to   the popularity of what the
        the creation of much more indoor entertainment   get away from it all.          Victorians created continued
        to combat the unpredictable British weather.   People from all walks of life now shared the   to rise, leaving a legacy that
        Aquariums, amusement arcades, ballrooms and   experience and attitudes, and standards slowly   still rings true today — and it
        even circuses were constructed as permanent   started to change. Many traditional ladies would   is them we must thank that
        fixtures to keep the public entertained and   still not take a dip in the sea, but for a younger,   even now we all still love to be
        keep them spending.                     more liberal generation, it was a release from the   beside the seaside.

        Southport                                                                Southend
        The local corporation first made plans for a pier   “Standards           The longest pleasure pier in the world,
        in 1840, but it was not until 1859 that work                             it was originally built in 1829 as an
        began. It was designed by James Brunlees                                 attraction for visitors from London and
        and first opened in 1860. Developments   slowly  started                 extends out into the Thames estuary.
        over the years have seen waiting rooms for                               The wooden pier was only 180 metres
        boat passengers added, the pier lengthened                               long when first opened, but it was
        and widened and a tramway built. A further   to  change”                 extended over time and by 1848 was
                                                                                 already the longest pier in Europe.
        extension in 1868 brought it to its final length.                        already the longest pier in Europe.
        extension in 1868 brought it to its final length.
                                                                                                                               © Alamy, Getty, Thinkstock, Kevin McGivern

      1,107                                                                                               2,158
     metres                                                                                               metres
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80