Page 77 - All About History 55 - 2017 UK
P. 77

What if…
                                                                                         WATERGATE HADN’T BEEN UNCOVERED?

         Even if Nixon had a
         successful second term,
         the president would never
         have been ‘beloved’

        l Carter fails          l Second term ends      l Reagan who?            l Democrats in disarray  l Trump trumped
          Jimmy Carter loses his   Nixon ends his         With the Republican     Struggling with a        Without the rise of more
          presidential election bid,    successful second term,   Party favouring centrist   moderate Republican   right-wing views in the
          with voters citing his   leaving a Republican   politics, Ronald Reagan   Party, the Democrats    Republican Party, Donald
          inexperience in office as    Party largely more   isn’t nominated to run    are forced to shift ever   Trump never becomes
          a cause for concern.    liberal than it is today.  for president of the US.   more to the left.  the 45th president.   © Ian Hinley
          2 November 1976         20 January 1977         1980                    1984                     2016
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