Page 11 - BBC Knowledge - October 2017 IN
P. 11

HOW IS HELIUM TURNED                                    HOW DO HOUSEHOLD
            INTO A LIQUID AND                                       CLEANING PRODUCTS
            A SUPERFLUID?                                           AFFECT THE ENVIRONMENT?

            At -269°C, helium gas condenses to become a liquid. Cool it even   Even after passing through water treatment plants, small
            further and it becomes a state of matter called a superfluid. In this   quantities of chemical compounds from cleaning products
            state it has no measurable viscosity and so does some odd things,   can find their way into rivers, ponds and lakes and have adverse
            such as climbing up the walls of a dish, leaking through apparently   effects on aquatic life. Phosphates in laundry and dishwasher
            solid materials and staying motionless while its container is spun.   detergent have a fertilising effect, triggering the widespread
            To create the liquid and superfluid states, you cool down helium   growth of algae that saps away the water’s oxygen, reducing
            gas to a few degrees above absolute zero. This is achieved by   biodiversity. By reducing water tension, surfactants allow other
            compressing the gas, and then expelling it through a small nozzle.   pollutants in water bodies to be absorbed more easily by plants
            As the gas expands, it rapidly cools (you’ll have noticed this effect   and animals. Many other compounds can be toxic to wildlife,
            if you’ve ever used an aerosol deodorant). The process is repeated   or affect growth and reproduction, for instance by mimicking
            until the gas that rushes out of the nozzle is cold enough to   the effects of hormones in mammals and fish. AFC
            condense to a liquid, then if you repeat the cycle a few more times
            the helium will become cold enough to turn to a superfluid. ML

                                                  TH E  TH O U G HT  E XPERI M ENT


       PHOTOS: GETTY X5  ILLUSTRATIONS: RAJA LOCKEY  1. Food chain collapse  2. No pollination  3. Less Insecticide

         Most non-marine food chains depend on
                                                                                   On the plus side, if there were no longer
                                              Of the world’s food crops, 75 per cent are
                                              pollinated by insects. Without insects,
                                                                                   any insects, we wouldn’t need the 430,000
         insects. Almost all birds eat insects, and
                                                                                   tonnes of insecticides that are sprayed
                                              we could still grow many foods, but onions,
         even those that eat seeds as adults still feed
                                              cabbage, broccoli, chillies, most varieties of
                                                                                   onto crops every year. In the US, pesticide
         insects to their young. It takes 200,000
                                                                                   residues cause between 4,000 and 20,000
         insects to raise a swallow chick to adulthood.
                                              tomato, coffee, cocoa and most fruits would
                                                                                   cases of cancer each year, according to
                                              be off the menu. So would sunflower and
         Insects also break down plant matter and
                                                                                   the National Academy of Sciences. But this
         help recycle nutrients into the soil. Without
                                              rapeseed oil. Demand for synthetic fibres
         any insects at all, most bird and amphibian
                                                                                   is a small compensation for total ecological
                                              would also surge because bees are needed
                                                                                   collapse and global famine.
         species would be extinct in two months.
                                              to pollinate both cotton and flax for linen.
                                                                                                               OCTOBER 2017
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