Page 12 - BBC Knowledge - October 2017 IN
P. 12

      & Answers
               Sorry, but we’re
               about to get very                          HOW MANY ORGANS
               creepy in the name
                                                          COULD YOU LOSE AND
               of science…
                                                          STILL LIVE?

                                                          You can still have a fairly normal life without one of your lungs, a kidney,
                                                           your spleen, appendix, gall bladder, adenoids, tonsils, plus some of
                                                            your lymph nodes, the fibula bones from each leg and six of your ribs.
                                                             Losing your uterus, ovaries and breasts, or your testicles and
                                                             prostate, is also quite survivable, although you might need hormone
                                                             therapy to avoid other long-term problems, such as brittle bones.
                                                             If you allow yourself artificial replacements and medication, we can
                                                              go further and remove your stomach, colon, pancreas, salivary
                                                              glands, thyroid, bladder and your other kidney. Still not enough
                                                               for you? Theoretically, surgeons could amputate all of your limbs,
                                                               and remove your eyes, nose, ears, larynx, tongue, lower spine
                                                                and rectum. Supported by machines in an intensive care unit,
                                                                 they could also take away your skull, heart and your remaining
                                                                  lung, at least for a short while.
                                                                      This adds up to a theoretically survivable loss of around
                                                                    45 per cent of your total body mass. But any trauma
                                                                    that destroyed all these organs all at once would almost
                                                                    certainly kill you from shock and blood loss. And surgically
                                                                     removing them one at a time over many months
                                                                     would likely also be fatal, due to infections in your
                                                                     immune-compromised state. LV

          HOW HOT COULD EARTH GET                               WHAT IS BEING DONE TO
          BEFORE IT’S UNINHABITABLE                             PRESERVE POMPEII?
          FOR HUMANS?
                                                                 The main threat to the already excavated buildings and
          Humans need to sweat to survive in warm conditions, and that’s   mosaics is moisture, which attacks the plaster and mortar. But  PHOTOS: GETTY X4, ILLUSTRATIONS: RAJA LOCKEY
          only possible if the combination of temperature and humidity –   Pompeii has attracted the best archaeological conservationists
          known as the wet-bulb temperature – stays below around 35°C.   from around the world. In 2012, a 10-year project began
          According to a 2012 study by scientists at MIT, this limit could be   installing protective roofs, removing existing moisture and
          reached globally if our planet warms by around 12°C. Fortunately,   researching the chemical structure of ancient plasters. There
          few scientists think global warming will do this in the foreseeable   is also a moratorium on new archaeological excavations. LV
       12  future. RM
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