Page 25 - BBC Sky at Night Beginners Guide to Astronomy - 2017 UK
P. 25



          You can’t do anything about   air above it for longer.
          ‘high-level seeing’ – the air   ❯3 Air currents tend to stay
          currents far above you – but   low to the ground, so it can
          you can infl uence the ‘low-  be a good idea to raise up                           THE ANTONIADI
          level seeing’ to create steadier   your scope on a platform.                      SCALE
          air conditions immediately   ❯4 If you build an
          around you and your scope.   observatory, make it using                           It’s very useful to note
          Here’s how:            thin materials like wood that                              down what the seeing is
          ❯1 Leave your scope outside   can cool quickly.                                   when you’re observing.
          to cool to the ambient   ❯5 The geography of your                                 Many astronomers use
          temperature, eliminating any   observing site affects how air                     the Antoniadi Scale as
          air currents in the tube.   behaves. Being near the sea                           a measure of what the
          ❯2 Observe on grass rather   gives you calmer air than if                         atmosphere is up to.
          than concrete. Concrete   you’re near a range of hills,                           It’s a fi ve-point scale
          absorbs more heat from the   where air is forced upwards,   Placing your setup on grass can reduce air   using Roman numerals.
          Sun and radiates it out to the   causing turbulence.   turbulence around your scope   I indicates the best
                                                                                            conditions, while V
                                                                                            describes the worst.
           The other factor that affects observing   A good way to think of it is to imagine a   I  Perfect seeing, without
          conditions is the transparency of the night – just   swimming pool with a penny coin on the bottom.   any quiver of turbulence
          how clear the sky is. After it’s been raining, the   The water represents our atmosphere and the   whatsoever.
                                                                                            II  Slight shimmers;
          sky is completely transparent because the rain   coin the starry object you’re looking at. Through
                                                                                            moments of stillness last
          clears away particles of dust and smog from the air.   completely still water with no currents, the coin
                                                                                            several seconds.
          However, when it’s been raining it also tends to be   looks still, crisp and clear. In this case the seeing is   III  Average seeing;
          windy, which means that the seeing is bad. You’ll   perfect and so is the transparency. If the water is   larger air tremors blur
          notice that the stars are twinkling because of this.   made to move – causing ripples – the coin’s image   the view.
          Transparent conditions are however good for large,   will shake around; the transparency is still good   IV  Poor views, with
                                                                                            constant troublesome
          faint objects like nebulae and galaxies, which really   but the seeing is bad. And if some milk is spilt in
                                                                                            undulations of the image.
          benefi t from the better contrast. Poor transparency   the pool so you can’t see the coin very clearly, the
                                                                                            V  Bad views with severe
          generally means the air is steady with good seeing,   transparency will be reduced.
                                                                                            undulations; so unstable
          but dust and particles are sitting in the atmosphere   It goes to show that you’re at the mercy of the   that even quick sketches
          because the air is still. These conditions are good   atmosphere… and that moments of clarity are a   are out of the question.
          for looking at the Moon and stars.    wonderful thing.

                                                              14 FEBRUARY, 9PM      HOW
                       4.2            7.1
                           6.5   2.0
                   6.7               6.3                                            CAN YOU
                    5.9                                                             SEE?
                                    4.4                                             Atmospheric conditions have an
                                                                                    impact on the faintness of the stars
                                                                                    you can observe. Use the chart here
                                                                                    to check the faintest stars you can see
                                                                                    by looking at Ursa Minor on a very
                                                                4.8                 clear night to work out your limiting
                                                                                    magnitude. This is the faintest star
                                      4.2                                           magnitude, or brightness, that you
                                                                   4.3              can see from your location – higher
                                                                                    numbers mean fainter stars.
                                                    4.3     5.2
                                                                                    Work out your limiting magnitude by
                                                        5.5                         fi nding the dimmest stars you can see
                                                         6.4                        in Ursa Minor, as described below.
           5.0  = magnitude                                         3.1             Under a perfect sky you should be
                             N                                                      able to spot mag +6.5 stars
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