Page 27 - BBC Sky at Night Beginners Guide to Astronomy - 2017 UK
P. 27



          Don’t be a victim of the glare! Here are four ways to reduce the effects of sky glow

         Position your telescope so that   Make sure your eyes are properly   Reduce the glare by asking   Buy light pollution fi lters.
         it’s shielded from the effects of   dark adapted before viewing.  your neighbours to temporarily   Light pollution fi lters come in
         a direct light source.     Improve your chances of seeing   turn off their security lights.  an array of types, depending
         It’s surprising how well you can   fainter magnitudes by making   Are you friendly with your   on what light you want to block
         overcome local light pollution by   sure your eyes are fully dark-  neighbours? If it’s their security   out (eg sodium and mercury)
         simply repositioning your scope   adapted before you go outside.   light that streams into your garden,   and exactly what you want to
         in the garden. Find a position   Get a red light torch ready and   invite them round to look through   enhance. They are also known
         that is hidden from the view of   turn off house lights for at least   your scope and they might get   as nebula fi lters, as these are the
         nearby street or security lights by   15 minutes. Keep them off so they   the message when they see a   objects they work for. You can
         moving closer to a fence or wall.  don’t light up your garden.  lighthouse shining in their face!  buy one for around £20.

         5 DARK SKY SITES
                                                                                1            3
          ❯1 Galloway Forest Park, Scotland

          ❯2 Kelling Heath, Norfolk

          ❯3 Kielder Forest, Northumberland

          ❯4 Dartmoor National Park, Devon                                                                          2

          ❯5 Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales


          Red and yellow areas are high in
          light pollution. Grey areas boast
          no adverse effects and are prime
          locations for observing
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