Page 30 - BBC Sky at Night Beginners Guide to Astronomy - 2017 UK
P. 30

So, kilometres or miles are confi ned to the   (186,282 miles per second), light can cover
            Solar System. We could use something better,   9,460,000,000,000 (9.46 trillion) km, or
            but we’re safe and happy with them and there’s   5,860,000,000,000 (5.86 trillion) miles in a year.
            some continuity with how we do things on Earth   With this unit at hand we can say that Proxima
            without getting too space-ifi ed too early on.  Centauri is 4.26 lightyears away.
              The other ‘something better’ is simply a unit
            based on Earth’s mean distance from the Sun –    TRAVELS WITH LIGHT           MIRRORS ON
            instead of it being 150 million km we can say it is   Looking into the night sky, most of the stars   THE MOON
            one astronomical unit or 1 AU. Using this method,   we see are tens to hundreds of lightyears away,
            all the planets, and anything else fl ying around   although there are a few that reach into the
            the Sun (or Earth) can be defi ned in terms of an   thousands. When we think about how light travels
            astronomical unit. For example, Jupiter is about   from a star that is, say, 80 lightyears away, we
            5 AU from the Sun; that’s fi ve times farther   realise that we are seeing that star as
            from the Sun than Earth. Travelling out farther,   it appeared 80 years ago.
            the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is around   The light has been travelling through space
            268,000 AU away. You’ll have gathered that the   for all that time before it ends up in our eyes;
            numbers are growing again, which means we   therefore, when we gaze into space what we are
            need to switch to another scale – the one that is   actually doing is looking back in time.
            used by all but the hardiest of scientists. Enter,   Don’t think this means any of the stars are   The Apollo astronauts left
            stage right, the lightyear.           not there any longer. Stars live for millions, if   laser retrorefl ectors on the
              This wonderful length is simply the distance   not billions, of years, so even a star that is 5,000   lunar surface
            that light travels in one year. Speeding along   lightyears away in the night sky is still really   Nowadays the distance
            at almost 300,000 kilometres per second   shining away quite happily.         to the Moon is easy to
                                                                                          measure, thanks to the
                                                                                          Apollo astronauts, who
                      THE SOLAR SYSTEM                                                    left some experiments
                                                                                          there back in the early
                                AND BEYOND                                                1970s. These were the
                                                                                          marvellously named
                                                                                          ‘lunar laser ranging
              Local distances are measured by the time it takes light to get there        retrorefl ector arrays’
                                                                                          – mirrors, to you and
                                                                                          me. These mirrors have
                                                                                          been used constantly ever
                                                                                          since, and are now the
                                                                                          longest working Apollo
                                                                                          lunar experiments.
                                                                                            A laser beam from
                                                                                          Earth is fi red at one of
                                                                                          the mirrors, which refl ects
                                                                                          it. The time it takes to
                                                                                          get there and back gives
                                                                                          you the distance to the
                                                                                          Moon, if you know the
                             MOON                           MARS                          speed of light. From these
                        1.5 lightseconds               5.4 lightminutes                   measurements we know
                                                                                          the distance to the Moon:
                                                                                          405,696km (252,088
                                                                                          miles) when it’s furthest
                                                                                          away, and 363,104km
                                                                                          (225,622 miles) when it’s
                                                                                          closest. We also know
                                                                                          that the Moon is moving
                                                                                          away from us at about
                                                                                          4cm (1.5 inches) per year.

                     SUN                     PLUTO             PROXIMA CENTAURI
               8.3 lightminutes          5.5 lighthours           4.26 lightyears

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