Page 106 - Hola_USA
P. 106
Reinaldo Herrera,
Jacqueline Weld
Drake, Carolina
Ben Rodríguez-Cubeñas, GLAM GALAS Herrera, and Prince
Rachel Valdés Camejo, Dimitri of Yugoslavia
Pepita Serrano, and Two of the most anticipated philanthropic events
José Parlá
of New York’s social season brought together the
crème de la crème of the charitable circuit.
Casita Maria celebrated Fiesta 2017 at the
Plaza Hotel and honored Rosaura Henkel, the
extraordinary Mexican philanthropist; Elizabeth T.
Peabody, for her dedication to mental health; and
Julia Salvi, co-founder and visionary of the GLOBAL MARKET, LUIS ENRIQUE RIVERA; AURORA
renowned International Music Festival. ROSE/PMC, COURTESY OF CASITA MARIA
For its part, Mercado Global paid tribute to
designer Pamela Love for her work empowering
women in rural areas of Latin America who want
to become entrepreneurs.
Mary McFadden,
R. Couri Hay, and
Margo Langenberg
Yaz Hernández and
Coromoto Atencio Daniel Poler
and Eve Delf
Kristian Sedeño,
Alexandra Segers, Leticia Presutti,
Gabriel Rivera- Catherine
Barraza, and Sissi Fleitas and Petree, and
Luis Ureña Moataz El Rafaie Rachel
104 H OL A. C O M Mendoza