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       RENEWAL                                                                    ASANAS           ENFORMA

       Asanas and tips to                                                         SAMASTHITI Sama is balance.
                                                                                  It’s a posture to scan yourself,
       take your practice                                                         to feel rooted, to know where
                                                                                  you are. It’s for stopping,
       to the next level                                                          finding oneself, centering and

                                                                                  BALASANA It’s called child’s
                                                                                  pose: a position of total surren-
                                                                                  der. It’s curling up in a ball of
                                                                                  energy and giving in to gravity
                                                                                  and the weight of your body. It
                                                                                  lets the back rest. It’s for recon-
            any people are afraid of yoga because   for our emptiness and insecurities, instead   necting and re-energizing.
       Mthey associate it with having to be   of looking for excuses, yoga gives you a
       flexible, thin, and living a restrictive life-  mirror that you can see your reflection   SAVASANA This is cadaver
       style. Carolina Daza (   in all day, every day, to feel and live. First,   pose: physically it’s easy but
       and the YALA Collective tear down these   I work on me, I cleanse myself, I heal   mentally it’s difficult. It invites
       myths. “Practicing the physical part on the   myself. I put myself together to become   you to let go of everything. It’s
       mat is the easiest part. The key is knowing   whole. It’s different from the ego. It’s not   a posture of vulnerability, of
       what you need at all times and finding what   that others don’t matter. After cleansing   letting go of the physical body
       you need in the moment. But knowing isn’t   ourselves, we try to form a union with the   and energy and letting life and
       that easy,” she says. “Every breath is an   people we love, with the planet. When it’s   the world guide you. You enter
       opportunity to be better and yoga pushes   time to make decisions, we remember   into the silence to let the wise
       us to realize that we have millions of alter-  that echo. Renewal is exactly what yoga   voice inside and your intuition
       natives to help ourselves.”        seeks—evolution—knowing that change     lead the way.
         Daza and her collective organize   is possible in a way that is organic, little
       retreats, pop-ups, and classes in cities like   by little finding those lights along the
       New York and Paris, as well as in idyllic   way,” she says.
       locations such as the beaches of Sifnos,   For advanced practitioners, she says the
       Greece, or the mountains of Medellín,   key to renewing one’s practice is attending
       Colombia, where they offer a holistic and   workshops, traveling, meeting different
       functional vision of yoga as a preventative   people, and nurturing that community.
       tool. Long-term retreats can be combined   “Yoga is a lens, a very valuable way of seeing
       with gourmet food, art, snorkeling, and,   life, a filter for people who want to be well,
                                                                                                               ISTOCK (2)
       above all, fun. “Instead of blaming others   feel well, live life.” n   —ANGELA LANG

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