Page 108 - Hola_USA
P. 108
Take advantage of the year’s end to broaden your
horizons and welcome in 2018 with a touch of adventure
raditions are an important part of until the first few days of the new year. type of desire. Shopping is also part of
Twelcoming in the new year. They allow First, they prepare the house with a big the equation. The first day of the new
us to honor our ancestors, express grat- family cleaning to get rid of the old and year, department stores create “lucky bags”
itude, and spread joy. Cultures through- make room for the new, and start the filled with leftover goods from the previ-
out the world celebrate the end of the cooking for Osechi—a beautifully packed ous year and sold at half price.
year with rituals of closure and embrace and shared buffet eaten the first few days
new beginnings with festivities. They of the new year that includes symbolic RÉVEILLON IN BRAZIL
share food and drink with love and intent foods like prawns for long life, lotus root Nobody parties like Brazilians, so if you
and celebrate at the stroke of midnight. for a happy future without obstacles are looking for a place to count your
Some use elements like water or fire to ahead, and the auspicious Mochi rice blessings with joy and beauty, head to the
let the past go, others make wish lists for cakes. On New Year’s Eve, they eat hand- Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro for
the future. Here are some ideas to feed made soba—the noodles’ long and thin an over-the-top celebration. On New Year’s
your wanderlust. form represents long life and health— Day, Brazilians make sure they eat lentils
wrap small quantities of money in enve- and rice to guarantee good fortune and
¯ OMISOKA IN JAPAN lopes and give it to children, visit a temple blessings. On New Year’s Eve, wearing all YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
Japanese New Year’s is a serious event. and dwell on the sounds of the ringing white is a must for year-round good luck.
Their most important holiday begins on bells. Buddhist temple bells strike 108 To honor Yemanjá, better known as the
the last few days of the old year and lasts times, each time to remove one earthly Yoruba Goddess of the Sea and Mother
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