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The actress of Puerto Rican descent who plays
Penelope Alvarez in the hit series One Day at a Time
(Netflix) is passionate about her work with Roselyn
Sánchez in Voices for Puerto Rico, a grassroots
initiative to support local communities in the island
affected by natural disasters. Here’s what else
makes her tick!
What do you feel most secure about? Myself, my
friends, and who I am.
What five things you can’t live without? My broth-
ers, my sister, my mother, my culture, my friends.
What’s on your playlist these days? Lisa Lisa & Cult
Jam. I love her so much! I’m so old school…Hector Lavoe,
Willie Colón, Marc Anthony....
Do you dance by yourself? All the time! Who doesn’t?
We’re Latinas!
Can you live one day without the internet? No! I
mean, I could, but do I want to? No!
Do you cook or do you order out? I’m a great cook. I
cook and my brother cooks. But I like to go out a lot. I’m a
social human being.
What’s your favorite food? Mexican, Italian, Asian,
Latino food. I grew up eating Puerto Rican food: rice,
beans, which I love by the way. That’s all I ate: vegetables,
bacalao, tostones, maduros…. Every single day, so it’s
nice to get a break.
The holidays are here. What’s your dream desti-
nation? This year we are going to Miami because we
are going to my boyfriend’s place. These are the people
that I love. Last year we were in Chicago. That’s my only
destination during the holidays: to be where the people
that I love are.
Ever been to a place that has changed your per-
spective on life or has inspired you? I’m going to say
it and everybody is going to say, “What?” But Los Angeles
to me is the greatest city I’ve ever lived in. And I’ve lived in
some great cities. I’m from Chicago; I’ve lived in New York.
L.A. is truly a city where you can have 10 cents one day and
the next day you can be in the biggest blockbuster. I didn’t
always like it, but it’s a city of dreams. n —GISELLE BALIDO BENJO ARWAS
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