Page 100 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
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There are lots of great products available that will help you get closer to nature. Exhibiting at Rutland
Bird Fair, here are two companies that specialise in enhancing your enjoyment of watching wildlife.
VINE HOUSE FARM Marquee 7 Stand 1
t this year’s Birdfair,The Wildlife
Trusts and Vine House Farm Bird
A Foods are celebrating 10 years of
working together to protect wildlife.
The partnership began in 2007, with the
aim to help to protect and restore areas for
nature, and inspire people to experience
wildlife first-hand.Vine House Farm
contributes to this effort by donating up to
5% of its bird food sales,which now totals
over £1,250,000.What makes this partnership
so dynamic is that the company’s founder
and owner,Nicholas Watts,is very much
driven by a philosophy of nature conservation
and method of wildlife-friendly farming.
Nicholas Watts MBE, said:“Farming this
way is a way of life for us and it brings great
pleasure to see wildlife thriving. I have always part of his work in 1992, leading to an MBE for
enjoyed feeding birds and now I am feeding his wildlife conservation work and wildlife-
more birds than I could ever have imagined friendly farm management, and many
with the help of our customers!” other awards. Nicholas’daughter Lucy now
Fourth-generation farmer Nicholas has manages their mail order business,which
been working the land at Vine House Farm delivers directly to customers across the UK.
in Deeping St Nicholas, Lincolnshire, since he
01775 630208 //
was a boy. His bird watching hobby became
GARDENATURE Marquee 3 Stand 31-32
ardenature is a family run business your armchair, your garden, out in the products ranging from our award winning
which has fast become Europe’s No. wild, or any other natural habitat with a Camera Bird Boxes to Garden & Trail
G1 manufacturer and supplier of high Gardenature Camera kit, simple to set up Cameras, all types of Wildlife & Insect
quality Bird Box and Wildlife Camera systems. and fun for all age groups. Habitats, through to Bat Detectors and
Our products are designed for you The Gardenature website delivers eco-friendly Garden Furniture. Visit our
to easily create your very own wildlife something unique and interesting for website to find out more!
TV channel, watch and enjoy all forms all discerning wildlife enthusiasts! Here
01255 514451 //
of wildlife from the relaxed comfort of you will find a diverse range of wildlife