Page 99 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
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            Q&A                           WILD                                                      UK YouTube
                                                                                                    channel), which
                                          STREAM                                                    gives a flavour
                                                                                                    of the day job of
          Richard Vevers
                                                                                                    Pavel Fomenko,
                                         THE LATEST ON iPLAYER,                                     head of the
                   Why don’t
                                         NETFLIX AND BEYOND                                         rare species
                   people know
                   about coral
                                          If you missed it last month,                              unit in the
                   Most people            there’s still a chance to enjoy                           Russian Far East;ussian Far East;
                   are very               Dippy and the Whale (BBC                                  or The Spider
         disconnected from the ocean.     iPlayer, available until 11 August)  Surface (iPlaayer, available  with Three Super Powers
         They don’t understand what       the story of the Natural  until 8 Augustt), which reveals  (BBC Earth YouTube channel),
         coral is, let alone the complex  History Museum’s project  how a species once feared  gloriously clear macro
         process of bleaching. It’s also   to remove the much-loved  as a sea monster eventually   footagefrom TheHunt
         confusing – bright white coral   diplodocus skeleton from the  came to beunnderstood    that depicts how a
         can look rather spectacular,     famous foyer and replace it  asa highlyinntelligent,    jumping spider can
         particularly when it fluoresces   with a blue whale (above) –a  social creaturre knownfor  hunt prey three
         as it makes a last-ditch attempt  breathtakingly complicated  remarkable bbehaviour such   times its size.
         to produce sunscreen. People     feat of engineering that aims  as ‘adopting’ injured and
         aren’t surewhatto makeof it.     to engage visitors with a  abandoned orphans.                    Learn all
         Some tour operators even take    new future of conservation.  If it’sawildlife                    the orca.
         guests to admire it!             Sticking with cetaceans, take  quick-fix you’re after, try
                                          in the history and natural  the beautiful, sombre
                                          history of the orca with the  and atmosphheric Life
         What exactly is bleaching?
         Coral has a symbiotic            2013 BBC Natural World filmd  as a Tiger Prrotector
         relationship with tiny algae     Killer Whales: Beneath the   in Russia (WWF
         in its flesh, which it relies
         on for food. When the ocean
         gets too warm, the animal
                                         Steppe                                            EARLY BIRDSON
         has a stress reaction and
         ejects these cells. It loses its  bones can                                       THE AIRWAVES
         colour, leaving just thewhite   tell us about                                     Tweet of the Day
         skeleton visible. It is still alive  the past.                                    RADIO BBC Radio Four
         at this point, but will die if                                                    Weekdays throughout
                                                                                           August at 5:58am
         conditions don’t improve.
                                                                                           The much-loved radio series
                                                                                           Tweet of the Day is in full flow,y
         How long does it take?
         It can occur in a matter of                                                       with offerings for August
         weeks–Iwasshocked at the                                                          including Olympic rower Alex
         speed of it. I went to American                                                   Gregory on the house sparrow
         Samoa and sawavibrant,                                                            and white stork; BBC security
         healthy reef ecosystem. When                                                      correspondent Frank Gardner
         I returned a few months later                                                     on thegolden oriel and King
         it was a wasteland.It looked as                                                   of Saxony bird-of-paradise; and
         if it had been dead for years.  SECRETS OF SKULLS                                 ornithologist Tim Birkhead on
                                                                                           razorbills, ravens and puffins.
      s: Stephan Rech/Imagebroker/FLPA B ue wha e:TheT rustees of the Natura H story Museum,London; orca: Espen Bergersen/naturep .com;  Can coral be saved?  Bone Stories  from some, but these little
                                                                                           Pre-6am might induce groans
         It’s very simple: we need to
                                        RADIO BBC Radio Four Five parts, airing daily. Starts 14 August at 1.45pm
                                                                                           birding gems are surely worth
         stick to the targets of the Paris
                                        Evolutionary biologist and BBC Wildlife Q&A expert Ben
                                                                                           an occasional early start.
         Agreement or there is no
                                        Garrod is again talking all things osteo, with an intriguiuing
         future for the reef ecosystem
                                        new historical science series for Radio Four. The preseenter of
                                                                                           sound of
         protect the reefs we know we
      ance/A amy; razorb  as we know it. We must also  the BBC’s Secrets of Bones tells five anthropological dettective   razorbills.
                                        stories, each of which starts with a part – or parts – off a
         can save. This is theaim of our
                                        skeleton. These bony clues include the skull of Irish ‘ggiant’
         50 Reefs initiative. The Coral
                                        Charles Byrne (who grew to an eye-popping 233cm back in the
         Triangle, for instance, is less
                                        1780s), which is helping to diagnose modern-day gigaantism;
         susceptible to bleaching than
      mammoth: dpa p cture a  the Galápagos, which has  the beautifully preserved set of mammoth bones uncoovered
                                        after a Norfolk storm that is providing a fascinating window
         virtually lost all of its coral.
                                        onto life 600,000 years ago; and the skull of a man-eaating
                                        tiger that is challenging current ideas about the evoluttion
         RICHARD VEVERS is CEO and
         founder of The Ocean Agency.
         August 2017                    of human behaviour: were we the hunted, or the huntters?             e
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