Page 60 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 60


                                                  Rutland Water
                                                 is a celebrated
                                                 osprey hotspot.

                                             W Watch

                                           wenty-three ospreys
                                           returned to Rutland r
                                         Wa ater this year, and in
                                                                                                         presenter Jess
                                         mid-August there will
                                         m                                                             French will star in
                                           also be young birds                                         this year’s panto.
                                          practising their flying
                                       skills s. You may see a bird   S Activities for children
                                          soar over the Birdfair
                                         si ite – listen for tannoy   Apart from Steve Backshall’s star turn, this year there will again be a
                                          announcements – or    panto on Sunday at 3–3.45pm, staged by the Wildlife Trusts. It’s based
                                           head to Manton Bay   on Beatrix Potter – but don’t expect the wildlife celebrities taking part
                                            (see p56) for closer   to stay too close to the script! Other family activities include craft with
                                        vie                     RSPB Wildlife Explorers (opposite Marquee 5) and pond-dipping.
                                         ews. For an alternative
                                          experience, you could
                                          take a trip aboard the
                                           Rutland Belle, which   Admire the
                                          cruises to parts of the   paintings and                W Enjoy
                                      res servoir where you stand   photographs in               artwork
                                                                 the Art Marquee.
                                          the chance of seeing
                                        fishing ospreys. Cruises                                  The Art Marquee is
                                         cost £22 for adults and                                 well worth a browse
                                        £13 for under-16s; book                                  for its stunning      Shoeb
                                         at                                   displays of wildlife
                                                                                                 paintings, prints,
                                                                                                 photos and sculpture,
                                                                                                 not to mention
                                                                                                 keenly priced artist’s
                                                                                                 greetings cards. Don’t
                                                                                                 miss work from the
                                                                                                 Flight Lines project,
                                                                                                 a collaboration
                                                                                                 between the BTO and
                                                                                                 Society of Wildlife  Osprey: T oms Photos/Alamy; Jess French: Kindle Entertainment Ltd; artwork: Darren Woodhead; Steve Backshall: WENN Ltd/A amy
                                                                                                 Artists exploring bird  :Penny Boyd/A amy; opt cs:John Robertson/A amy; fi m crew: Chadden Hunter/; moth: FLPA/A amy
                                                                                                 migration (Darren
                                                                                                 Woodhead’s piece
                                                                                                 ‘Bird ringing on
                                                                                                 Bardsey’ is pictured).
                                                                                                 On Saturday at
                                                      Hear all                                   4.15–5pm, Chris
                                                   about Steve
                                                   Backshall’s                                   Packham reveals the
                                                   adventures.                                   winners of the Bird
                                                                                                 Photographer of the
           S Meet the stars                                                                      Year Awards.
           For a growing army of viewers, the ultimate TV wildlife hero
           maybe isn’t the one you’re thinking of – it’s Steve Backshall.   XVisit the BBC Wildlife
           Worshipped by adoring children, the all-action presenter and
           author makes his first Birdfair appearance. As well as talking   team on our stand
           about his adventures on Saturday (7.30–9.30pm, booking
           essential) and Sunday (11–11.45am), he’ll be signing books and   Your favourite magazine has been a stalwart
           meeting fans. Other TV personalities at Birdfair include our   Birdfair sponsor for years. See us in Marquee 66,
           columnist Nick Baker, Bill Oddie and Miranda Krestovnikoff.   Stand 1–2 for a sensational subscription offer – you
                                                                can also enter the ScillyIsles competition there.
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