Page 65 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 65




                                                                         SEPARATING FACT FROM FICTION

                                             Shows such as this          WITH THE LATEST       of diverse wetlands
                                           may look innocent, but        BEAVER RELEASE IN     increases biodiversity.
                                             elephants are often         CORNWALL, IT’S EASY
                                           treated badly and kept
                                              in poor conditions.        TO BELIEVE THAT THE   Are there any wild
                                                                         SPECIES IS BACK IN    beavers in Britain?
                                                                         BRITAIN FOR GOOD,     Yes–three recognised
         ELEPHANT ALARM                                                  BUT MUCH NEEDS TO     populations. One in
                                                                         BE DONE TO SECURE     Knapdale, on the west
         Animal welfare group says    “When not giving rides or          ITS FUTURE, SAYS      coast of Scotland, is the
         tourism in Thailand is leading to  performing, elephants are    DEREK GOW.            result of the only official
         more abuse of elephants.   typically chained day and night,                           trial and numbers about
                                    most ofthe timewith chains less      Are beavers being     12. There are several
         The use of captive elephants  than 3m long,” WAP said.          reintroducedto Britain?  hundred on the River Tay
         tooffertourists rides or other  Other problems identified        Yes and no. In most cases,  catchment on Scotland’s
         forms of entertainment grew by  by investigators included poor  beavers are being placed  east side and some 30 on
         30 per cent in Thailand over six  diets, limited veterinary care and  in large enclosures with  the River Otter in Devon
         years, according to new research.  elephants beingkept on concrete  naturalhabitat so their  – both these populations
           World Animal Protection  floors nearloud music.                impact on the environment  camefrom unlicensed
         (WAP) found nearly3,000      “The cruel trend of elephants      can be studied.
         elephants used in 220 facilities  used forrides andshows is     It's hoped this
         across six countries –the others  growing,” says WAP’s wildlife  will provide
         were Sri Lanka, Nepal,India,  and veterinary advisor Dr Jan     scientific
         Laos andCambodia.          Schmidt-Burbach. “We want            evidence to
           Three quarters of these  tourists to know that many of        reinforce the
         animals were in Thailand,  these elephants are taken from       casefortheir
         and 77 per cent were found  their mothers as babies, forced     widespread
         to be living in what the   toendure harsh training and          restoration here.  Beavers could have
         organisation called “poor  suffer poor living conditions                       a positive impact
         and unacceptable conditions”.  throughout their life.”          What’s being   on the British
                                                                         Scientists are
           6         Kielder Forest in Northumberland, should an         interested in how beaver  releases. Other groups of
                     The number of lynx that will be released into
                                                                                               unsanctioned wild beavers
                                                                         dams affect theway water
                     application for a reintroduction of the species be
                                                                                               exist elsewhere, too.
                                                                         is retained in a landscape.
                     given the go-ahead by Natural England. The Lynx
                                                                         Beavers were recently
                     UK Trust says the species – which is native to the
                                                                         released into an enclosure
                     UK – could even be back here by the end of 2017.
                                                                         in Cornwall, and farmer  What about the future?
                                                                                               Beavers are so well
                                                                         Chris Jones estimated that  established it would be
                                                                         the 15cm dam they built in  almost impossibleto
                                                                         the first five days had held  eradicate them. But if
                                                                         back 400m of water.   they are to be more widely
                                                                                               reintroduced, we need a
                                                                         Why does this matter?  programme of pragmatic
                                                                         Extreme rainfall events in  beaver management,
         The Government has dropped                                      recent years have led to  based on systems in other
         plans to introduce legislation to                               frequent flooding in towns  European countries, one
         repeal or amend the Hunting
         Actinthhis parliament. Lorraine                                 andcities. It’s believed  that takes into account the
         Platt, of Conservatives Against                                 that, by slowing down  interests of landowners.
         Fox Hunnting, welcomed the                                      the flow of water, beavers
         news, but suggested one third of                                could helptoreduce the  DEREK GOW is an ecologicalW
         Conservvative MPs would, in any                                 scale of these floods. By  consultant and farmer.
         case, voote against such a move.                                filtering water too, dams
                                                                                               O Want tocomment? Email  Jack H cks
                                                                         purify it, and the creation
         August 2017                                                                                  BBC Wildlife  65
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