Page 64 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 64



          GPS tagging data helps uncover  areas used by more than one  need to feed their chicks. It  “If the maps had shown that
          the sea areas where four of our  million guillemots, razorbills,  represents a step change in how  seabirds are using the whole
          most common species forage.  kittiwakes and shags from 5,500   we can manage our seabirds.”  of the North Sea with the same
                                     colonies in the BritishIsles.  The RSPB’s head of nature  level of intensity, that would have
          The research took five years and  “It’s a powerful conservation  policy, Jeff Knott, says the data  given us a bit of a problem,”
          involved attaching GPS tagsto  tool,” says RSPB scientist Ellie  would enable them to lobbyfor  he says. “But because there are
          more than 1,300 seabirds.  Owen. “If you protect those  more focused conservation efforts  clear hotspots, we can go to the
           Now, using computer models,  areas, then potentiallyyou are  on issues such as windfarms, oil  Government and say, ‘This is
          scientists have revealed the sea  safeguarding the resources they  pollution and fishing efforts.  what we need to protect.’”

           GUILLEMOT                                             RAZORBILL

                                  An estimated 708,200 pairs of                         Razorbills are much less numerous
                                  guillemots breed in the British Isles,                than their auk relatives, guillemots,
                                  13 per cent of the global population.                 with some 93,600 pairs believed  Clockwise from guillemot: Danny Green/; Alex Hyde/;Adrian Davies/; Phil Scarlett/Getty
                                  Species is amber-listed, though                       to breed in Britain and Ireland, 20
                                  numbers have largely increased                        per cent of the world total. Like
                                  over the past 50 or years or so.                      guillemots, they're also amber-listed.  d

           KITTIWAKE                                             SHAG

                                  The British Isles' most numerous                      The least numerous of the species
                                  species of gull, with 378,800 pairs,                  studied – there are some 26,600
                                  eight per cent of the global total.                   pairs in Britain, 34 per cent of the
                                  Numbers have declined by an                           world population. Also red-listed –
                                  estimated 50 per cent since the late                  numbers fell by 27 per cent between
                                  1960s, and the species is red-listed.                 the late 1980s and early 2000s.

      Ivory: Env ronmenta Invest gat onAgency;Row ng:J m Spe man/Getty; fox: Edward Hast ng-Evans/A amy;e ephants: Wor dAnimal Protection   A small town in southern China  briefing  new research suggests there has been

                                                             IF ANYBODY HAS BEEN
            IVORY HUB
                                                             INFLUENCED BY MY BOOKSS TO
            may be the hub for up to 80 per
                                                       THINK AN OWL WOULD BE HAPPPY
            cent of the global ivory trade,
            according to a new report from
                                                       IN A CAGE, YOU ARE WRONG.”
            the EnvironmentalInvestigation
            Agency (EIA). An EIA team
            spent three years infiltrating
                                                       Harry Potter author JK Rowling
                                                       was published 20 years ago. In the books, owls are used to deliver personal
            working out of Shuidong.
                                                             Harry Potter’sowl is calledHedwig.
              BBC Wildlife
          64 ivory-smuggling syndicates                an increase in the trade in wild caught owls in Indonesia since the first book  August 2017
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