Page 86 - BBC Wildlife - August 2017 UK
P. 86




           A similar proportion of overwintering ladybirds die
          from fungal infection. The soil is rich in fungi and some
          of these are pathogenic to ladybirds. We have shown that
          ladybirds can detect patches of soil where pathogenic
          fungi are particularly abundant, and thus avoid
          overwintering there, and they will also move away
          from their infected counterparts.
           But there are new threats. Britain is changing.The
          climate is warming, we are putting ever-more pressure
          on the land through urbanisation and agricultural
          intensification, and the speed at which new species are
          arriving either as natural colonists or deliberately introduced
          by us is accelerating. Of course, the planet has always
          undergone periods of dramatic change, but perhaps the
          biggest difference now is the way in which humans are
          orchestrating thechange.
                                                        Above (left):
                                                        abraconid        5 OTHER
      ckw nke /A amy (x3);  /A amy fe/A amy; Redmond Durre  What does this mean for 7-spot ladybirds? For ladybird  ovipositor to  LADYBIRDS
                                                        wasp uses its
                                                        insert an egg into
          communities, perhaps the most noticeableand relevant
                                                                         TO SPOT
                                                        the abdomen
          perturbation in recent times has been the arrival of the
                                                        of a 7-spot;
          harlequin ladybird.This species was introduced into
                                                        Below: harlequin
      eft: K m Tay or/naturep .com; Ern e Janes/naturep .com; b  d o/A amy; R chard Becker/FLPA; C arence Ho mes W  its way to Britain as a stowaway and by flying across the  native ladybird  native) harlequin   14-SPOT
                                                                         Once you’re familiar
          mainland Europe in the 1980s as a biological control agent
                                                        are causing
          of pest insects. It was only a matter of time before it made
                                                                         with 7-spot and (non-
                                                                         ladybirds, here are
          English Channel. In 2004, the first record of this species
                                                        to decline.
                                                                         five more common
          was reported to theUKLadybird Survey, since when many
                                                                                            ABUNDANCE: ● ● ● ● ●
                                                                         species to look for in
          thousands of people have helped to track its rapid spread.
                                                                                            The distinctive 14-spot ladybird
                                                                         Britain, listed in order
           The records received from across Britain have allowed
                                                                                            is yellow, with square-shaped
                                                                         of abundance.
          us to explore the ways in which the harlequin ladybirdladybird
          is affecting the distribution of other ladybirds. The
                                                                                            black spots (there are normally
          results are stark. Seven out of the eight native ladybird
                                                                                            14, though fewer is possible).
          newcomer’s arrival. This is not surprising:thee harlequin
                                                                                            ladybirds, it feeds on aphids and
      C ockw se from top  Pap  species we investigated were declining in respponse to the   Like the 2-spot and 7-spot
                                                                                            is commonly found on farmland.
          is highly voracious and consumes many inseccts,
          including ladybirds. It also wins when in
                                                                                            It has a long overwintering
                                                                                            period, emerging as late as May.
          competition for aphids with the other ladybirdds.
           So which species of the eight was unaffected? Our
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