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The Economist December 9th 2017                                                          The Americas 37
        Honduras’s election (2)            nicipalities because they are small, and  mightbe a reason whyelectronicallytrans-
        Reasons to                         tend to be mainly urban ormainly rural.   mitted votes would favour Mr Nasralla.
                                                                             Butthe difference would have to be huge to
                                             Even controlling for that, the vote count
        disbelieve                         shifted systematically from Mr Nasralla to  explain the shift in the later count to Mr
                                                                             Hernández. If votes sent electronically fa-
                                           Mr Hernández between early and later re-
                                           sults. In chart one, each dot represents a  vourMrNasralla byfive percentage points,
                                           municipality. The chart shows forexample  he would have had to lose byover18 points
                                           that Mr Hernández got 36% of the votes in  among votes reported on paper to explain
        Whatthe data sayaboutthe integrity of  La Libertad, in central Honduras, before  the late shift towards the president. The
        the vote count
                                           the TSE stopped publishing results. After it  odds are that that didn’t happen. 7
           HE electoral commission of Honduras  resumed, Mr Hernández got 49% in the
        T(TSE) will not declare a winner in the  same place. Mr Nasralla’s share dropped
        presidential election, held on November  from 51% to 36%. Our analysis shows that  Canada and China
        26th, until after a recount of some kind.  he lost 3.5 points on average relative to Mr
        The first count suggests that Juan Orlando  Hernández within each municipality.  The lonely Mr
        Hernández won re-election. He beatSalva-  Proving fraud through such analysis is
        dor Nasralla, a sports broadcaster, by  difficult. Statistical anomalies can have Trudeau
        42.98% to 41.38%.                  reasonable explanations. One possible ob-
           Mr Nasralla charges that the result is  jection, even though municipalities are in
        fraudulent. A weird and chaotic vote-  general fairly homogeneous, could be that  OTTAWA
                                                                             China does notshare Justin Trudeau’s
        counting process has strengthened that  those in which Mr Hernández outper-  taste in trade deals
        suspicion. After releasing preliminary re-  formed have a large number of voters liv-
        sults from 57% of ballot boxes, which  ing in urban areas that reported early and  USTIN TRUDEAU, Canada’s prime min-
        showed MrNasralla with a lead offive per-  many livingin late-reportingrural areas. Jister, set off for China on December 2nd
        centage points, the TSE stopped reporting  We asked Rosemary Joyce, an anthro-  amid speculation that the two countries
        on November 27th without explanation.  pologist at the University of California,  would start free-trade talks. Canada needs
        Afterpublication ofresultsresumed on the  Berkeley who specialises in Honduras, to  new markets because the United States is
        afternoon of November 28th, Mr Nas-  see if that was the case. She found that ex-  turning inward. China wants to gain better
        ralla’s lead disappeared. That looks fishy.   planation for the vote shift implausible:  access to Canada’s commodities and tech-
           The Economist has analysed the results  municipalities in the departments of La  nologyand to seta precedentfortalks with
        to figure outwhethersomeone falsified the  Pazand Lempira, where MrHernándezim-  other G7 countries. Although they have
        count. Our findings are not conclusive, but  proved significantly between early and  been talking about trade for more than a
        they suggest there are reasons to worry.  late counting, do not have large towns.  year, MrTrudeauwill return with no agree-
           Ifthe results released by the TSE at each  Ms Joyce’s claim is supported by our  ment to start negotiations.
        stage of the count were a representative  analysis of census data from 2013. We  Mr Trudeau’s Liberal government has
        sample ofthe country, the odds ofthe shift  looked at the split between rural and ur-  suffered otherrecentsetbackson trade. Ata
        itreported from MrNasralla in early results  ban households in the 284 municipalities  meeting in Danang, Vietnam, last month,
        to Mr Hernández in later ones would be  for which data are available, as well as the  Japan blamed Canada for delaying a new
        close to zero. Mr Hernández has explained  proportion of houses with dirt floors,  version ofthe Trans-Pacific Partnership, an
        his luck by saying that the later ballots  which correlates closely with the share of  agreement from which Donald Trump
        come from rural areas, where his National  rural households. We found no relation-  withdrew the United States. The snag was
        Party is stronger.                 ship between how rural a municipality  Canada’s request for protection of its cul-
           To test this theory, The Economist com-  was and how sharply its vote shifted to-  ture. Renegotiation ofthe North American
        pared results reported from municipalities  wards MrHernández (see chart 2).   Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the
        bythe afternoon ofNovember28th with fi-  Another possible objection to our ana-  United States and Mexico is going badly.
        nal results from the same areas. Honduras  lysis is that the early reports were based on  Fora countrywhose trade isthe equivalent
        is divided into 298 municipalities; 288 had  vote tallies that were sent electronically to  of64% ofGDP, that is worrying.
        published  incomplete results before re-  the TSE; 29% of vote tallies were not, ac-  MrTrudeauthinksone wayto counter a
        porting was interrupted. We looked at mu-  cording to monitors from the  EU. There  backlash in the West against globalisation
                                                                             would be to make trade agreements in-
                                                                             clude strict standards for labour, the envi-
           Shiftiness                                                        ronment and human rights. The European
           Honduras, 2017 general election  Candidate:  gained vote share  lost vote share  Union agrees, and signed a comprehensive
                                                                             trade agreement with Canada last year.
           Vote share of presidential candidates by municipality, %  1  Vote shift to Hernández   2
                                                     in urban and rural areas  But other trade partners, whose standards,
              Juan Orlando Hernández  Salvador Nasralla  20                  unlike Europe’s, are very different from
                                                                             Canada’s, want to keep trade deals simple.
            Vote count as of Dec 6th 2017 (final)  60  municipality  Vote shift*, % points  10 + 0 –  between rurality   similarto the one itconcluded with Austra-
               Mostly gains after
                                                                               China wants a plain-vanilla agreement
                                                                             lia in 2015. “Beijing is unyielding that non-
                               La Libertad
                                                                             economic factors have no place in trade
                                                                             deals,” wrote Charles Burton, a scholar of
                                                                             China, in an assessment of the talks. The
                                                            No correlation
                                                                             United States is receptive to labour and en-
                                                             and swing to
                                           Mostly losses
                                                                             competition from Mexico), but is uninter-
                                                                             ested in Canada’s ideas for incorporating
               0  20  40  60  80  0  20  after interruption 80  20  0  Less rural 40  60 More rural  vironmental standards (as a way to blunt
                                                                    80 100
                         Vote count as of Nov 28th 2017  Households with dirt floors, %  indigenous rights into trade deals and
           Sources: TSE; The Economist                 *Between Nov 28th and Dec 6th 2017
                                                                             makinglabourlaws more union-friendly.   1
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