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40 Asia                                                                      The Economist December 9th 2017
       2 castesagainstmid-rankedgroupsthathave  Japan’s monarchy             tombs, for fear, many suspect, that they
        gained “too much” powerorprestige. Earli-                            might find that the imperial family’s DNA
        er this year the BJP won a crushing victory Chrysanthemum-           doesnotin factderive, unadulterated, from
        in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pra-                           the sun goddess, Amaterasu, or even from
        desh, partly by exploiting resentment of mification                   pure Japanese stock, but includes traces of
        the Yadavs, a caste widely seen as domi-                             Korean and Chinese ancestry.
        natingthe outgoinggovernment.                                          Katsuyuki Yakushiji of Toyo University
           Congress is learning from these tricks,                           in Tokyo reckonsAkihito hopeshisabdica-
        however. It has been accused in former  The emperoris retiring, butotherroyal  tion will spark a debate about how to mo-
                                           reforms have stalled
        times of “appeasing” Muslims to win their                            dernise the imperial family. Akihito is
        votes, so in Gujarat it is simply ignoring  T WAS an understandable request. Last  known for his liberal views. Since becom-
        them, knowing they are unlikely to vote Iyear an 83-year-old Japanese man, who  ing emperor in 1989 he has apologised for
        for the BJP. Meanwhile it has concocted an  hassurvived prostate cancerand heart sur-  Japan’s wartime past during foreign trips.
        unlikelycoalitionofunhappycastes,head-  gery,askedtoretire.Yetittookmuchdebate  His frequent public appearances in Japan
        ed by a trio ofcharismaticlocal leaders. Mr  and a change in the law before the govern-  have made him seem lessaloofthan previ-
        Mevaniisoneofthese,butreckonshimself  mentcould even seta dateforhim to do so.  ous emperors. He is extremely popular.
        small fry next to HardikPatel, a 24-year-old  When it finally did, on December1st, it de-  There are three obvious reforms, all
        agitator for the rights ofPatidars, a far high-  ferred the event for over a year, to April  concerning imperial sexism: to allow prin-
        ercastethatincludesaround12%ofGujara-  30th, 2019. But at least the long-suffering  cesses who marry commoners to remain
        tis. (Dalits are 7% of the population and  emperor, Akihito, will be allowed to step  in the imperial family and thus be able to
        Muslims 10%.) Alpesh Thakor, a young  down, even though the law previously  carry out official duties; to allow the sons
        leader representing mid-ranked castes, has  said that the emperorrules until his death.  ofprincesses to inherit the throne, thus ex-
        also joined, while Congress typically en-  The throne will pass to his son, Naru-  panding the pool of potential heirs, and to
        joys the support of tribal communities  hito, 57, and a new era in the Japanese cal-  allow women to inherit the throne them-
        who account foranother15%.         endarwill begin. Scholars are busy finding  selves. Given the dwindling stock of royal
           Hypocritically but perhaps unsurpris-  a name for it. The current era, Heisei,  boys—Akihito’s first three grandchildren
        ingly, the BJP has lashed out at its rival for  roughly means “peace everywhere”.  were girls—such changesmightseem desir-
        pandering to identity politics. “Congress is  Japan’s government has granted the  able, even to conservatives. But the arrival
        once again doing what it always did in the  emperor’s wish with a manifest lackof en-  11 years ago of a male grandson, the son of
        past, divide people, be it on caste lines,  thusiasm. Akihito tookthe unusual step of  Naruhito’s younger brother, sapped the
        communal lines, between villages and cit-  revealing his desire to abdicate in a video  impetus forreform.
        ies,” stormed Mr Modi at a recent rally.  message aired on NHK, the public broad-  The law that allows Akihito to step
        “Congress has learnt divide and rule from  caster. He probably made the request pub-  down contained a woolly resolution that
        our colonial rulers.” Meanwhile, the BJP’s  lic for fear that a private inquiry would  seems to call for consideration of the first
        supporters circulated a tweet suggesting  have been buried by the government. In  two reforms. The third was deemed too
        that while Congress supporters would be  June parliament approved a law allowing  radical, even though women have reigned
        votingforHAJ (an acronym made up ofthe  him, but only him, to renounce the throne.   in the past. Mr Abe has appeared to ques-
        first names of Mr Patel, Mr Thakor and Mr  After the second world war, which Ja-  tion even the second idea, pointing out
        Mevani), a vote for the BJP was a vote for  pan fought in the name of the emperor of  that the monarchy has managed to remain
        RAM (an acronym derived from the names  the day, Hirohito (Akihito’s father), the oc-  patrilineal forovertwo millennia.
        of the party’s local leaders and Mr Modi).  cupying American forces curbed the au-  Takashi Mikuriya, the deputy chair of
        The insinuation was that the BJP stood for  thority of the monarchy. The constitution  the advisory panel on the emperor’s abdi-
        the Hindu majority who count Ram as an  they imposed restricted the emperor to a  cation, told a national newspaperthat Aki-
        important deity, whereas Congress is the  purely symbolic role. Conservatives, in-  hito’sretirement“opensa sealed box”. The
        political defender of Muslims, who go on  cluding Shinzo Abe, the prime minister,  public seems open to change, too. In a poll
        the haj (pilgrimage to Mecca).     want to preserve what is left of the imperi-  earlier this month 60% supported the idea
           Such smear tactics have worked in the  al mystique. The government has even re-  of princesses remaining in the family after
        past, and may work again. The BJP has far  stricted archaeologists’ access to royal  they marry. 7
        bigger resources; the election commis-
        sion’s figures show that the party has gar-
        nered some 82% of all big, official political
        donations in Gujarat in the past five years.
        Congress’s incongruous caste coalition is
        fragile, based partly on an unlikely pro-
        mise of more state benefits for the better-
        off Patidars. “There are huge material con-
        tradictions between Dalits and Patidars,
        and even between Dalits,” admits Mr Me-
        vani. “Ouralliance will be short-lived.”
           Amit Shah, the BJP’s campaign wizard,
        says it will capture 150 of the 182 seats in
        Gujarat’s assembly. He may be right, but it
        may also be that, like the $400m statue
        thatMrModi hasordered builtin his home
        state—a colossus twice the height of the
        Statue ofLiberty representing Sardar Patel,
        an independence leader—the prime minis-
        ter will find himselfon an island, with wa-
        terrushinground his feet. 7        For Akihito, April is the kindest month
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