Page 7 - The Economist
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Contents                                                                  The Economist December 9th 2017 7

                                   10 The world this week       Asia
                                                             39 Caste in Indian politics
                                      Leaders                   Groupthink
                                   13 South Africa’s corruption  40 Japan’s monarchy
                                      Dynasty of dysfunction    Chrysanthemummification
                                   14 Ukraine in a mess      41 Australian exports to China
                                      Don’t give up             Purchasing powder
                                   14 Tax reform             41 Public transport in the
                                      Twice bankrupt            Philippines
                                   16 Recognising Jerusalem     Jeep stakes
                                      Trump’s folly          44 Banyan                Tax Worry about the
                                                                                      Republicans’ tax bill. Worry
                                   17 The battle in AI          Bangladesh’s victorious  even more about the way they
                                      Giant advantage                                 passed it: leader, page14. How
         On the cover              18 The WTO                                         the bill compares with earlier
         The ANC, South Africa’s      Disaster management       China                 reforms, page 29
         ruling party, will soon vote                        45 A new branch of
         on ditching the Zumas. To    Letters                   government
         avoid a dire, two-decade                               Who supervises the
         dynasty of dysfunction, it  20 On Zimbabwe, Northern   supervisors?
         should jump at the chance:   Ireland, carbon-dioxide  46 Public hygiene
         leader, page13. The promise  emissions, bank robbers   Labour of lavs
         of fairness and prosperity as
         apartheid ended has been     Briefing
         tainted by corruption and                              Middle East and Africa
         “state capture”, page 23.  23 South Africa          47 Jerusalem
         Big Western companies have   Captured state            Capital gains
         been caught up in the     25 Business in South Africa  48 Language in Israel
         intrigue, page 25            Global firms and the Guptas  Signs of improvement
                                                             48 Leadership in Africa  Honduras The crisis over a
                                      United States             Forty-eight shades of grey  disputed election looks as if it
         The Economist online      29 Tax reform in context  49 Ethiopian Marxists    will be solved at the
         Daily analysis and opinion to  1980s nostalgia         Nostalgia for the Derg  negotiating table, page 36.
                                                                                      What the data say about the
         supplement the print edition, plus  30 Public lands  49 Arab international   integrity of the vote count,
         audio and video, and a daily chart  Shrinking ears     relations                                                                page 37
                                   30 Alabama’s election        The Gulf Backbiting
         E-mail: newsletters and      Less is Moore             Council
         mobile edition                                      50 The war in Yemen       31 Child brides
                                      State of the unions       Shaken up
         Print edition: available online by  32 Foreign policy
         7pm London time each Thursday          Relative moralism         Europe
                                   35 Lexington
         Audio edition:available online                      51 Ukraine undone
         to download each Friday      Chaos and conspiracy      The oligarchs strike back                          52 Arms control
                                      The Americas              The INF treaty in peril
                                   36 Honduras’s election    53 Corruption in Turkey
                                      Just talking about a      Plot of gold          Jerusalem Donald Trump’s
                                      revolution             53 Russia                recognition of the holy city
                                   37 Counting votes in         The Siberian bitcoin rush
        Volume 425 Number 9070                                                        acknowledged reality.
                                      Honduras               54 Corsican nationalism  Nevertheless it was unwise:
        Published since September1843  Reasons to disbelieve    Drifting away         leader, page 16. It may not
        to take part in "a severe contest between
        intelligence, which presses forward, and  37 Canada’s trade deals  54 Russian sports doping  cause chaos, but it pushes a
        an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing  The lonely Mr Trudeau  Drugged, out  stable peace still further into
        our progress."                                                                the future, page 47
                                   38 Bello                  55 Charlemagne
        Editorial offices in London and also:
        Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Chicago, Madrid,  A year without Fidel  Merkel, sleeping beauty
        Mexico City, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, New Delhi,
        New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seoul,
        Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC

                                                                                     1  Contents continues overleaf
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