Page 11 - The Economist
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The Economist December 9th 2017                                                     The world this week 11

        Business                  employee to be sentenced in  Eurogroup. MrCenteno is the  The Irish government opened
                                                            first head ofthe policymaking
                                                                                     an account into which Apple
                                  America overthe scandal.
                                                            body forthe euro zone’s  can start paying€13bn
        In a deal with the potential to  Ping An, a bigChinese insurer,  finance ministries to come  ($15.4bn) in unpaid taxes. Last
        reshape America’s health-care  lifted its stake in HSBC to 5%,  from a country that was bailed  yearthe European Commis-
        industry, CVS Health formally  describingit as a purely  out duringthe debt crisis. His  sion ruled that Ireland was
        offered $69bn forAetna. CVS is  financial investment. The bank  biggest tasknext yearwill be  owed the sum, afterfinding
        America’s largest chain of  makes most ofits profit in Asia.  steeringdiscussions overdebt  that taxadvantages offered to
        pharmacies and also the coun-  Its new chairman, MarkTucker,  reliefforGreece at the end of  Apple broke laws on state aid.
        try’s biggest pharmacy-benefit  used to run a rival insurance  its bail-out programme.   Ireland was taken to court for
        manager, negotiatingon be-  company to PingAn in Asia.                       failingto recoverthe money,
        halfofcompanies and insurers                        Gone shopping at Christmas  which will sit in the account
        with pharmaceutical firms to                         Hammerson, a property    until an appeal against the
        lowertheircosts. Aetna      Brent crude-oil price   developerresponsible for  ruling, lodged by Apple and
        provides health insurance.   $ per barrel           some ofBritain’s best-known  Ireland, has been resolved.
                                    OPEC cuts production    shoppingcentres, including
        UnitedHealth, America’s                       80    Brent Cross in London and the  Planning for your retirement?
        biggest insurer, said it was                  60    Bullringin Birmingham, spent  Areport from the OECD placed
        buyingDaVita Medical for                      40    £3.4bn ($4.6bn) to buy Intu,  Britain at the bottom ofthe
        $4.9bn. UnitedHealth will gain                      which operates Lakeside in  heap forpension provisions.
        a further300 clinics in a deal                20    Essexand otherarcades. The  Foraverage earners, the future
        that steps up its drive to    2015  16   17   0     deal creates Britain’s biggest  net-replacement rate for
        administermedical services                          property firm.            incomes is 63% across the
        directly.                   Source: Thomson Reuters                          OECD, but forBritain it is just
                                  Saudi Arabia’senergy minister  Deutsche Bank reportedly  29%. Germans can expect
        Nestlé agreed to buy Atrium  said he expects that OPEC’s  received a subpoena from  pensions worth halftheir
        Innovations, a makerofvita-  cuts to oil output will stay in  Robert Mueller, the special  pre-retirement salary on aver-
        mins, for$2.3bn. It is a confi-  place until the end of2018. He  counsel in America investigat-  age and the French almost
        dent move by the Swiss group  was speakinga few days after a  ingalleged links between  three-quarters. Average earn-
        into consumerhealth care, a  meetingbetween OPEC and  Donald Trump’s campaign  ers in the Netherlands do the
        business it is pivotingtowards  Russia, where it was agreed to  and Russia, to hand over  best in the EU, with a net-
        as sales ofits better-known  extend curbs on production,  documents related to its  replacement rate ofover100%,
        food brands stagnate.     but to review the situation in  dealings with people and  but Turkey comes out on top in
                                  June. Oil prices have risen this  entities associated with Mr  the survey at102%. Forlow
        Tech titans tit-for-tat   year; Brent crude traded con-  Trump. The bankdid not com-  earners (those on halfthe
        Asquabble between two of  sistently above $60 a barrel  ment directly about the news  average wage), Britain does
        America’s tech giants was seen  throughout November.   but said it tookits “legal obliga-  slightly better, movingabove
        as a possible harbingerof                           tions seriously and remains  Chile, Poland and Mexico.
        biggerdisputes to come. Goo-  Portugal’s finance minister,  committed to co-operating
        gle said it would blockaccess  Mário Centeno, was chosen to  with authorised investigations  Other economic data and news
        to its YouTube site across some  be the next president ofthe  into this matter”.   can be found on pages 88-89
        ofAmazon’s devices in retalia-
        tion forAmazon not selling
        Google’s smartspeakeror
        Chromecast, Google’s internet-
        streamingplug-in forTVs, on
        its website. Amazon retorted
        that Google was “settinga

        Broadcom went hostile in its
        $130bn proposal to take over
        Qualcomm, nominatinga
        slate of11new directors to the
        board ofits largerchipmaking
        rival. Qualcomm has so far
        refused to countenance
        Broadcom’s offer.
        The managerin charge of
        Volkswagen’s engineering
        office in America was sen-
        tenced to seven years in prison
        forhis part in coveringup the
        carmaker’s deception in emis-
        sions tests. OliverSchmidt
        pleaded guilty in August to the
        charge. He is the second VW
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