Page 13 - The Economist
P. 13

Leaders                                                                   The Economist December 9th 2017 13

        The corruption of South Africa

        To avoid a dire, two-decade dynastyofdysfunction, the ruling ANC should ditch the Zumas
                                  OUTH AFRICA’S Constitu-   ed bythe chiefjusticeisunconstitutional. He did not comment
                               Stional Court may be the     on the matteroflootingfrom state-owned enterprises.
                                world’s most emotionally pow-  What is unusual about South Africa is not that corruption
                                erful building. The courtroom is  thrives, but that it does so in plain sight. Thanks to a history of
                                built with the bricks of the Old  civic activism, a free press and a robust judiciary, South Afri-
                                Fort prison, where both Nelson  cans are aware ofthe wholesale theft. Investigative journalists
                                Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi  have catalogued corruption at all levels of government. Week
                                were held. A glass strip around  after week, activists and opposition parties challenge the gov-
        the courtroom, allowing passers-by to see in, represents trans-  ernment in court. A former finance minister estimates that
        parency. Above the entrance, the values ofthe constitution are  150bn-200bn ($11bn-15bn) rand, 5% ofGDP, has been filched.
        set in concrete in the handwriting of the first constitutional  The ANC leadership election offers what ought to be an
        judges after apartheid—including the childlike script of Albie  easy choice. Ms Dlamini-Zuma is expected to protect her ex-
        Sachs, who had to learn to write with his left hand after the  husband, who faces 783 counts ofcorruption. She, like him, es-
        white regime’ssecurityservicesblewoffhisrightarm. In pain-  pouses“radical economictransformation”, which involvesfis-
        ful contrast with its uplifting setting, a recent conversation be-  cal indiscipline and expropriation. She, like him, employs ra-
        tween an Economist journalist and an official working in the  cially charged rhetoric to deflect criticism. A victory for her
        building was, at the official’s request, conducted outside and,  would undermine the economy, jeopardise social harmony—
        asa furtherprecaution againstsurveillance bytoday’ssecurity  fragile, in a country with the fifth highest murder rate in the
        services, the journalist was asked to leave her phone inside. It  world—and entrench state capture.
        is a measure ofhow far South Africa has fallen from the ideals
        it embraced when it was reborn afterapartheid.      Cyril vcynicism
           Under President Jacob Zuma, the state is failing. Contracts  Mr Ramaphosa’s election would not on its own ensure a swift
        are awarded through bribes and connections; ruling-party  return to clean government. Corruption runsdeep, atall levels
        members murder each other over lucrative government jobs;  ofthe party. Itdid nothelp thata pre-Zuma ANC policyof“em-
        crooks operate with impunity.                       powering ” black tycoons by encouraging the transfer of large
           Next week comes a moment that may determine whether  stakes in white-owned firms to them made a handful of ANC
        South Africa slides further into this mire or starts to recover. At  bigwigseffortlesslyrich. Thisseta precedentthatpolitics in the
        a conference that starts on December 16th the ruling African  new South Africa can be a shortcut to vast wealth. One of the
        National Congress (ANC) is due to choose the successor to Mr  biggest beneficiaries was Mr Ramaphosa himself, which com-
        Zuma as its leader, and thus its candidate for presidency ofthe  plicateshiscampaign to purge the partyofrent-seeking. None-
        country. The front-runners are Mr Zuma’s ex-wife and pre-  theless, there is no suggestion that he broke the law, and he is
        ferred candidate, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, and the deputy  outspoken in his condemnation of those who now brazenly
        president, Cyril Ramaphosa. For South Africa and for the  do so. He is also pragmatic in his plans to boost economic
        whole African continent, MrRamaphosa needs to win.  growth and provide South Africans with jobs and education.
                                                              The numbers suggest MrRamaphosa is in the lead, yet he is
        Mandela weeps                                       nota shoo-in. The stakesare high forMrZuma and his political
        South Africa is no longer in the forefront of the world’s con-  skillsare consummate. Those who betagainsthim tend to lose.
        sciousness, as it was in the 1990s when it made its miraculous-  His compatriots await the result nervously.
        ly peaceful transition from a racist regime to a modern democ-  Some well-intentioned South Africans think it would be
        racy. But it still matters, and not just to its 57m people. With its  better if Ms Dlamini-Zuma won, because the country has be-
        superiorfinancial and physical infrastructure, itis Africa’seco-  come too much like a one-party state, and an ANC run by her
        nomic hub. Its diplomatic and moral authority shapes south-  would be more likely to lose the election in 2019. That is a dan-
        ern Africa, forworse aswell asbetter: withoutitssupport, Rob-  gerous argument. The multiracial, centrist Democratic Alli-
        ert Mugabe would have lost power in Zimbabwe long ago.  ance would indeed be better than the ANC, and is gaining in
        And, atthe moment, itisthe site ofthe mostvisible battle in the  popularity: it now governs the country’s three most important
        world between good and bad government.              cities. Butthe hard-leftEconomicFreedom Fighters, who might
           Alarmed South Africans have watched the progress of  be worse than the ANC, are gainingground, too. And the ANC,
        “state capture”, whereby private actors subvert the state to  with its liberationist credentials, might win in 2019 even under
        steal public money (see page 23). In a report in 2016 the former  Ms Dlamini-Zuma, who as president would cement the Zuma
        public protector detailed allegations that the Guptas, business  clan’s grip on the levers of power. South Africa would start to
        associates ofMr Zuma’s family, offered the finance ministry to  lookuncomfortably like a hereditary kleptocracy.
        a politician they hoped would be pliable and used political in-  Its people deserve better. The rainbow nation still has the
        fluence to loot state-owned enterprises. She called for a judi-  potential to be a beacon ofprosperity and good governance in
        cial inquiry. Mr Zuma says he has no knowledge of the job of-  Africa, but memories of its hopeful birth are a melancholy
        fer, and will establish an inquiry, but he claims that the public  counterpointto itsdarkpresent. The bestchance for recovering
        protector’s demand that the judge in charge must be appoint-  that optimism is a victory forMrRamaphosa. 7
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