Page 8 - The Economist
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8 Contents                                                                  The Economist December 9th 2017

                                                             75 Contraceptives and girls’
                                      Britain                   education
                                   56 Brexit negotiations       Pill magic
                                      False summit           75 Marijuana and banking
                                   57 Defence spending          From cash to ash
                                      Shoulder pips squeaking  76 Shareholder litigation
                                   58 Bagehot                   Laying down the law
                                      Social immobility
                                                             77 Free exchange
                                                                Digital distractions
                                   59 Islamic family law
         Gujarat The governing BJP    Marriages of inconvenience  Science and technology  Books of the year Our choices
         thinks it has a formula for                         78 Artificial intelligence  for 2017 include titles on
         building an electoral majority  60 Islamic marriage in Canada  Algorithm is gonna get you  music, nicotine and the
         in India. It is misfiring, page 39  One is enough    79 Green engineering     tsunami in Japan, page 82.
                                                                Clean-up mussel       Books by Economist writers in
                                      Business               79 Gender in academia    2017, page 85
                                   61 Artificial intelligence    Question time
                                      Battle of the brains   80 DNA sequencing        Subscription service
                                   64 CVS Health buys Aetna     A genome in the hand  For our latest subscription offers, visit
                                      Doses of reality                      
                                                                                      For subscription service, please contact by
                                   64 Video games               Books and arts        telephone, fax, web or mail at the details
                                      Looting the punters    82 Books of the year     provided below:
                                   65 Foreign brands in China   Wise words            North America
                                                                                      The Economist Subscription Center
                                      Found in translation   85 Books by Economist    P.O. Box 46978, St. Louis, MO 63146-6978
                                                                                      Telephone:  +1 800 456 6086
                                   66 Rio Tinto                 writers               Facsimile:  +1 866 856 8075
                                      Ghost in the machine                            E-mail:
         AI It looks as if artificial                            Wordsmiths            Latin America & Mexico
         intelligence is tailor-made for  67 Schumpeter                               The Economist Subscription Center
         incumbent tech stars. How to  Walmart fights back    88 Economic and financial  P.O. Box 46979, St. Louis, MO 63146-6979
                                                                                      Telephone:  +1 636 449 5702
         judge if that is a worry: leader,                      indicators            Facsimile:  +1 636 449 5703
         page17. Tech giants are      Finance and economics     Statistics on 42 economies,  E-mail:
         investing billions in a   69 The WTO                   plus our monthly poll of  Subscription for 1 year (51 issues)
         transformative technology,   Don’t cry for me          forecasters           United States   US $158.25 (plus tax)
         page 61. Machine-learning’s                                                  Canada      CA $158.25 (plus tax)
         big shindig, page 78.     70 China at the WTO                                Latin America   US $289 (plus tax)
         AI-driven hedge funds need   Market failure            Obituary
         human brains, too, page 74  70 Trade in Africa      90 Ali Abdullah Saleh    Principal commercial offices:
                                      Unite!                    Snake-in-chief        The Adelphi Building, 1-11John Adam Street,
                                   73 Buttonwood                                      London WC2N 6HT
                                      Market exuberance                               Tel: +44 (0) 20 7830 7000
                                                                                      Rue de l’Athénée 32
                                   74 Venezuela and oil prices                        1206 Geneva, Switzerland
                                      Christmas Caracas                               Tel: +4122 566 2470
                                   74 Hedge funds                                     750 3rd Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017
                                      Return on AI                                    Tel: +1212 5410500
                                                                                      1301Cityplaza Four,
                                                                                      12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
                                                                                      Tel: +852 2585 3888
                                                                                      Other commercial offices:
                                                                                      Chicago, Dubai, Frankfurt, Los Angeles,
                                                                                      Paris, San Francisco and Singapore
         Trade The World Trade
         Organisation is flawed. But the
         Trump administration’s
         attempt to undermine it is bad
         for the world and bad for
         America: leader, page 18. As
         members gather for the WTO’s                                                         PEFC certified
         big meeting, it is in trouble,                                                       This copy of The Economist
         page 69. The dispute over                                                            is printed on paper sourced
                                                                                              from sustainably managed
         China’s non-market economy                                                           forests certified to PEFC
         status heats up, page 70                                                    PEFC/29-31-58

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