Page 100 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 100

‹ A tornado
                                                                                                       touches down
                                                                                                       in Oklahoma.

                                                                                                       › Opposite,
                                                                                                       top: One of the
                                                                                                       bridges on the
                                                                                                       road to Key
                                                                                                       West from the
                                                                                                       mainland. It’s
                                                                                                       just two lanes,
                                                                                                       and there
                                                                                                       are no other
                                                                                                       options for
                                                                                                       driving away
                                                                                                       from a threat
                                                                                                       in the Keys.
                                                                                                       Getting caught
                                                                                                       here in a storm
                                                                                                       could be life

                                                                                                       › Opposite,
                                                                                                       bottom: In the
                                                                                                       aftermath of
                                                                                                       Sandy, a porch
                                                                                                       that was torn
                                                                                                       off a home lays
                                                                                                       on the side of
                                                                                                       the street.

               HEED THE WARNINGS                          technology, meteorologists have the ability to track and forecast storms many days out;
                Too often in situations such as these, people   some with pretty good accuracy. This advantage often gives people plenty of time to
               are their own worst enemies. Stories abound   prepare and evacuate if needed, especially if they already have a plan in place.
               about people sitting in bars while a hurricane   Sadly, no matter what we do, there are still people who fail to heed the warnings. They
               hits, wasting time that could have been spent   decide to ride it out and hope for the best. To do so not only puts their lives in danger,
               on preparation or escape—and impeding      they are also endangering the lives of the men and women dedicated to saving those
               good judgment with every sip. Sometimes,   who aren’t responsible enough to save themselves.
               it is someone who fails to prepare and then   Hurricane Sandy is an excellent example of this: People in the danger zone were given
               ventures out in the middle of a blizzard to get   plenty of warning. Yet there was still significant loss of life. In addition, a large number of
               some food or fill their gas tank.          people still needed to be rescued—simply because they didn’t respond to the warnings
                These actions are self-destructive, and there   and prepare for what could happen.
               is no need to be this way. With our modern   While I was in Southern California, an earthquake hit somewhere in the Pacific,


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