Page 104 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 104

piece of ceramic and quickly tighten   › The author
                                               is careful not
               up an edge on almost any knife whose   to get cut,
               edge is not in horrible shape.   especially when
                Finally, if you would like to tidy up the   knives. The
                                               Chef’s Choice
               sharpening job, you can use any piece of   Edge Crafter has
               leather to strop the edge. The leather   a magnetic base
                                              and comes with
               removes minor imperfections in the edge   three diamond
                                                abrasives. It
               and gives it a modicum of polish, which   protects your
               will reduce some friction and improve   support hand
                                              and is packable.
               performance. While this is probably not   Barber considers
               your goal in a sharpening emergency, it is   it a safe product
               something that, given the time, I would   to start with.
               do. It also tends to liven up the edge just
               a little more than ending the process with
               the use of the last hard abrasive.
               WHAT TO DO FIRST
                We have the tools down, so let’s move
               on to the nuts and bolts behind “the inten-
               tional and purposeful removing of metal.”
                First, we need to establish some kind
               of angle on the edge. This is not always
               as easy as it sounds, but there are some
               techniques that will help. One is using   › Barber uses
               an angle guide.                    the most
                I have a clinometer app on my iPhone   aggressive
               that helps me establish an edge at a   abrasive to
                                                 “locate the
               specific angle. While you might not   burr,” which,
               always be able to use your phone for   in his opinion,
                                                 is the most
               this, it will give you an idea of where   important and
                                              often the most
               to start and might allow you to set up   missed element
               visual markers on your abrasive. I tend to   of achieving a
                                               cutting edge.
               sharpen my edges at a 20- to 23-degree   You can use a
               angle. This is a good utilitarian edge that   back-and-forth
               works fairly well for most pocket knives,   sawing motion
                                               from hilt to tip
               hunting knives and the like.     or a circular
                You might find that using the “Sharpie   motion.
               technique” works better. Using a Sharpie
               pen, color your sharpened edge. As you
               begin to grind the edge, notice if the
               marker ink has been removed from the

               WITH THE
               METHOD I USE
               NOW, I CAN TURN
               THE DULLEST
               KNIFE INTO A                             edge. Adjust the angle of contact of the edge with the stone as needed until you have
                                                        removed all the marker ink. You can reapply the marker between abrasives until you’re ready
               STRAIGHT RAZOR                           to use the strop. Leather will eventually remove the remaining ink, but it takes awhile.
                                                         Now that we have two ways of establishing the edge’s angle, we need to start looking for
               IN ABOUT 45                              the burr. You should be using your most-aggressive abrasive—somewhere between 50 and
               MINUTES WITH                             100 grit. This is very aggressive, but it is needed for the operation. This step is rarely talked
               EASE, AND I DO                           about, but it could be the most important step and the best indicator of sharpness.
                                                         The technique I use to find or establish the burr I call “scrubbing.” This is either a back-and-
               THAT FOR MANY                            forth grinding of the blade—almost as if you are trying to shave a sliver of the abrasive—or
               PEOPLE ON A                              grinding in a circular motion.
                                                         My suggestion is to make 15 to 20 passes on one side of the blade and then turn the blade
               REGULAR BASIS.                           over, repeating this on the other side. I do this in a sawing motion: back and forth. If you like
                                                        the circular motion, I suggest doing it for about 10 to 15 seconds on one side and then again


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