Page 106 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 106

“SHARPENING” IS              ‹ Above: Stropping
                                                 is an effective way
                   THE INTENTIONAL               to remove a micro
                                                 burr or to polish
                                                 off your newly
                   AND PURPOSEFUL                sharpened knife.
                                                 Many people will
                 REMOVAL OF METAL                use the strop on a
                                                 daily or semi-daily
                        FROM A BLADE             basis to keep their
                                                 blade edge keen.
                                                 Some strops already
                    TO INCREASE THE              have a diamond
                                                 paste applied
                    KEENNESS OF ITS              that provides an
                                                 additional polishing
               EDGE AND INCREASE                 abrasive. Barber has
                                                 a .5-micron paste on
                                                 the unfinished side
                           THE BLADE’S           of his strop.
                    CUTTING ABILITY.
                      THE TECHNIQUE
                      I USE TO FIND OR
                       ESTABLISH THE
                  BURR IS ONE I CALL             › Right: After using the
                                                 unfinished side, the
                         “SCRUBBING.”            author flips the strop
                                                 to the finished side, to
                                                 which he has applied
                                                 a .1-micron paste.


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