Page 109 - American Survival Guide - October 2017
P. 109
blade with it now. It seems obvious, but › A good way to PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION
check the health
you want to be moving your blade in the of your blade TO THE TIP OF THE BLADE, AS
opposite direction that you have previ- before and after
sharpening is the
ously been working at—as though you are fingernail test. WELL AS THE PART OF THE BLADE
polishing the edge on the strop. Instead (CAUTION! This
process can be dan- CLOSEST TO THE HANDLE. THESE
of first “whittling” or “slicing through” the gerous and should
only be attempted AREAS TEND TO BE IGNORED ...
abrasive edge, you want to be moving by experienced
that sharp edge backward, spine first, or and safe knife users IT IS ASSUMED THEY’RE BEING
whose fingernail
you will cut the leather. extends well
Use as many passes as you would like, beyond the tip of COVERED. HOWEVER, THEY ARE
their finger.) Place
but pay attention to the cutting edge. You the edge on the tip OFTEN MISSED COMPLETELY.
might notice an area behind that cutting of your fingernail
and drag the blade
edge that looks hazy; this is an indication lightly across the
fingernail, toward
that you are laying the blade too close the tip. If you feel it
to the strop—meaning you need to raise stick or drag, there
might be gouges
the spine of the blade up slightly away in the blade. After into learning this skill. One thing I can promise you is that it will not be something
from the strop. When you have completed sharpening, you you will be great at the first time you attempt it. As with all things, you’ll get better
should have a very
stropping, you should be ready to tackle smooth blade sur- with time and experience.
most cutting tasks, and your knife should face with no snags. I hope that my advice has helped you put a tool in your “box of knowledge” that
Obviously, do not
be in good shape for weeks of use. apply pressure might help you be a better sharpener, as well as more successful whenever you need
when conducting
Sharpening can be easy or hard, this test. to use your edged tools.
depending on how much effort you put Stay sharp! ASG
ASG_102-109_1710_SHARP.CX.indd 109 7/17/17 2:37 AM