Page 5 - The Economist20171214
P. 5
Contents The Economist December 16th 2017 5
8 The world this week China
39 Pollution
Leaders Awry in the sky
13 China and the West 40 Wage arrears
Sharp power High and dry
14 The American economy
Can the Trump boom last? Middle East and Africa
15 Bitcoin 41 Electrifying Africa
A bit on the side Shock therapy
15 American energy 42 No fish in the sea Alabama’s election
Abuse of power Nets akimbo A prosecutor of Klansmen
16 Film remakes 42 South Africa’s courts captures Jeff Sessions’s old
Don’t take two Zuma loses again seat and the Republican
On the cover 43 Putin’s victory lap Senate majority shrinks to
China is manipulating debate Letters Mission accomplished one, page 23
in Western democracies. 19 On populism, plutonium, 43 Tunisia’s economy
What can they do about it? Myanmar, transgender Labour pains
Leader, page13. The Chinese recognition, inheritance 44 Aharon Shteinman
government is using stealth tax
to shape public opinion and A rabbi without equal
mute criticism in other
countries, page 20 Briefing Europe
20 China and the West 45 Catalonia votes
At the sharp end Over and over again
The Economist online 46 France’s foreign policy
Daily analysis and opinion to United States Hop, skip and jump
supplement the print edition, plus 23 Alabama 47 Russia
audio and video, and a daily chart Beware siloviki bearing Where the skies are so blue Coal and climate Regulators
24 Deportation sausages should reject Rick Perry’s plan
E-mail: newsletters and 47 Ukraine’s Christmas to subsidise coal and nuclear:
mobile edition Rhetoric and reality They celebrate twice leader, page15. A flurry of 25 Partisanship 48 Tirana meetings should help curb
The “fire Mueller” chorus
Print edition: available online by Europe’s new go-to city greenhouse-gas emissions.
7pm London time each Thursday 26 Coal 48 Poland’s prime minister But the global agreement is Holler promises still essential, page 53. China
Audio edition:available online 28 Lexington 49 Charlemagne has won battles against its
to download each Friday Tinseltown dreams choking air, but not the war, Banking on it page 39
The Americas
29 Brazil’s new politicians Britain
Taking on dirty old men 50 Buy-to-let houses
30 Bello The landed gentry
Volume 425 Number 9071 The literature of fear 51 The economics of crime
Lucrative loot
32 Sugar in the Caribbean
Published since September1843 51 Tory Brexiteers
to take part in "a severe contest between Nearly sweet nothing
intelligence, which presses forward, and 32 Voting in Venezuela The dogs that didn’t bark
an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing 52 Grenfell Tower
our progress." Mocking democracy
Do they know it’s
Editorial offices in London and also: Christmas?
Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Chicago, Madrid,
Mexico City, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, New Delhi, Asia
New York, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seoul, 33 Uzbekistan Uzbekistan An Uzbek spring
Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC has sprung, but summer is still
Springtime a long way off, page 33
34 Bureaucracy in Myanmar
34 Elections in Nepal
The mountains of Mao
35 The Kuril Islands
Still cranky
37 Banyan
Of peaks and patriotism
1 Contents continues overleaf