Page 6 - The Economist20171214
P. 6

6 Contents                                                                 The Economist December 16th 2017

                                      International             Science and technology
                                   53 Climate summitry       71 Miniature robotics
                                      New life for the Paris deal  Military bot flies
                                                             72 Geology and tourism
                                      Business                  Pillars of salt
                                   56 The Big Four           73 First contact?
                                      Custodians of capitalism  Greetings, Earthlings
                                   57 South Africa’s Steinhoff  74 How fish sustain forests
                                      Broken furniture          Size really matters
                                   58 Retail property        74 Air travel
         The Trump boom America’s     Vacant spaces             When push comes to shove  Obituary Johnny Hallyday,
         president is not the architect                                               France’s answer to rock ’n’
         of the economy’s strength.  58 Corporate tax in America                      roll, page 82
         But in the short term, things  Let the games begin     Books and arts
         will go his way: leader, page14.  59 Business and politics  75 Capitalism without capital
         Will America’s economy run   Adéu to Catalonia         The intangible economy  Subscription service
         too hot in 2018? Page 63.  59 America’s box office    76 Greater Gotham        For our latest subscription offers, visit
         A festive memo from one of   Blockbusted               A history of New York  For subscription service, please contact by
         America’s leading chief   60 Retailing              76 Fish and fishing       telephone, fax, web or mail at the details
         executives to his lieutenants:  The brand played on    Feeding civilisation  provided below:
         Schumpeter, page 61                                                          North America
                                   61 Schumpeter             77 American prisons      The Economist Subscription Center
                                                                                      P.O. Box 46978, St. Louis, MO 63146-6978
                                      Corporate investment      Lockup nation         Telephone:  +1 800 456 6086
                                                             78 Johnson               Facsimile:  +1 866 856 8075
                                      Finance and economics     Lubricants of conversation  Latin America & Mexico
                                                                                      The Economist Subscription Center
                                   63 The American economy                            P.O. Box 46979, St. Louis, MO 63146-6979
                                      Seeking a soft landing  80 Economic and financial  Telephone:  +1 636 449 5702
                                                                                      Facsimile:  +1 636 449 5703
                                   65 Buttonwood                indicators            E-mail:
                                      Brexit and the markets    Statistics on 42 economies,  Subscription for 1 year (51 issues)
                                   66 Energy disruptions        plus a closer look at arms  United States   US $158.25 (plus tax)
                                      The cracking forties      sales                 Canada      CA $158.25 (plus tax)
                                   66 The WTO                                         Latin America   US $289 (plus tax)
                                      Art of the impossible     Obituary
         Bitcoin It is a speculative  67 Bitcoin             82 Johnny Hallyday       Principal commercial offices:
         asset but not yet a systemic  Blooming futures?        A star for all seasons  The Adelphi Building, 1-11John Adam Street,
         risk: leader, page15. Futures                                                London WC2N 6HT
         contracts in bitcoin create as  67 Investing in collectables                 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7830 7000
         many risks as they mitigate,  The passion index                              Rue de l’Athénée 32
         page 67                   68 China’s economists                              1206 Geneva, Switzerland
                                      Profits forecast                                 Tel: +4122 566 2470
                                                                                      750 3rd Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017
                                   68 Bank capital                                    Tel: +1212 5410500
                                      Arriving hopefully                              1301Cityplaza Four,
                                   70 Free exchange                                   12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
                                      A lost decade                                   Tel: +852 2585 3888
                                                                                      Other commercial offices:
                                                                                      Chicago, Dubai, Frankfurt, Los Angeles,
                                                                                      Paris, San Francisco and Singapore

         Slaughterbots Military robots
         are getting smaller and more
         capable, page 71

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