Page 9 - The Economist20171214
P. 9

The Economist December 16th 2017                                                    The world this week 9

        Business                    Cobalt price            which it promised to beefup  company pulled most ofits
                                                            its compliance with anti-
                                                                                     business from China in 2010
                                                            money-launderinglaws and  ratherthan bow to the authori-
                                    $’000 per tonne
        The Federal Reserve lifted the                      sanctions. Prosecutors will  ties on censorship and privacy
        range forits benchmarkin-                           drop charges that were de-  issues. The government has
        terest rate by a quarterof a                  60    ferred in a case relatingto  made backingAI technologies
        percentage point to between                   40    Mexican drugmoney laun-  a national priority to ensure
        1.25% and 1.5%, the third rise                      dered through the bank, which  China becomes a world leader
        this year. Data showingthat                   20    was fined $1.9bn.         in the field.
        228,000 jobs had been created                 0
        in November, which was more    2016     2017        Disney agreed to buy the  People flyingdrones forfun in
        than had been expected,     Source: Thomson Reuters  entertainment assets ofRupert  America will have to register
        underlined the robustness of  Glencore is to double its pro-  Murdoch’s 21st CenturyFox  theirtoys with the Federal
        the American economy, seal-  duction ofcobalt, an impor-  for$66bn. Those include the  Aviation Administration after
        ingthe decision. The rate-  tant element in the batteries  film studio behind “Avatar” as  all. Ajudge had thrown out the
        setters’ median forecast was  that are poweringthe electric-  well as TV businesses such as  requirement, findingthat the
        foranotherthree quarter-point  carrevolution. The mining  Sky in Britain. MrMurdoch still  FAA didn’t have the authority
        rises in 2018. It was Janet  firm is increasingoutput from  retains control ofhis newspa-  to implement it. But the rule
        Yellen’s last meetingas chair-  its Katanga mine in the Demo-  perand publishingempire.  was inserted into a defence bill
        man ofthe Fed. Jerome Powell  cratic Republic ofCongo, to                    that was signed into law this
        takes overwhen Ms Yellen’s  over30,000 tonnes a yearby  Shopping paradise    week. Drones weighingas little
        term expires in February.   2019. That will leave it control-  There was more consolidation  as 250 grammes will have to be
                                  lingabout 40% ofthe world’s  in the shopping-mall industry,  registered and display an ID.
        A red-faced letter day    cobalt supplies.          as Unibail-Rodamco offered
        Inflation in Britain rose to 3.1%                    to buy Westfield in a deal  Perfect harmony
        forthe 12 months to Novem-  ExxonMobil said it would  valued at $24.7bn. Unibail,  Shazam, a British startup, was
        ber; in the same month last  begin publishingestimates of  Europe’s largest commercial-  bought by Apple, reportedly
        yearthe figure was just1.2%.  the effects to its business from  property company, counts the  for$400m. Shazam developed
        Increases in the price oftran-  climate change and policies  Forum des Halles in Paris  one ofthe world’s most pop-
        sport and food partly ex-  meant to fight it, a bigwin for  amongits assets. Westfield  ularapps, which recognises
        plained the jump, which tight-  the more than 60% ofshare-  owns swanky shoppingmalls  music played on any speaker
        ens the squeeze on household  holders who passed a motion  across America and two in  and forwards the songtitle and
        budgets. Data on the labour  in May askingthe company to  London. Its brand is building  artist to the user, and links the
        market were mixed. They   disclose the risks it faces from  urban malls as destinations for  userto Apple Music and other
        showed that the unemploy-  global warming. Exxon had  entertainment and food as  streamingsites. It has spawned
        ment rate of4.3% was the  resisted the move foryears.   well as shops.       a TV show in America where
        lowest since 1975; the number                                                contestants compete with
        ofpeople aged 16 to 64 not  HSBC fulfilled its commit-  Google announced that it  Shazam to name that tune.
        seekingworkincreased.     ments underan agreement   would open a centre in Beijing
                                  struckwith America’s Depart-  dedicated to research into  Other economic data and news
        Turkey’s economy grew by  ment ofJustice in 2012, under  artificial intelligence. The  can be found on pages 80-81
        11.1% in the third quartercom-
        pared with the same quarter
        last year, when the country
        was reelingfrom the aftermath
        ofan attempted coup. The
        rebound has been driven by
        government stimulus, in-
        cludingan expansion ofcredit
        to small firms. GDP forthe year
        is expected to be around 7%,
        which would make Turkey the
        best performerin the OECD.

        Ahub in Austria that imports
        gas forEuropean countries
        was shut down afteran explo-
        sion. Italy, the hub’s biggest
        customer, declared a state of
        emergency. Meanwhile the
        Forties Pipeline, which pro-
        vides Britain with 40% ofits oil
        and gas from the North Sea,
        was turned offaftera crack
        was found. The setbacks to
        supplies came as temperatures
        plunged below freezing. Gas
        prices soared.
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