Page 54 - The Economist20171214
P. 54

54 International                                                            The Economist December 16th 2017
       2 lic ofa problem that is unfolding so slowly                         behaviour of previous American delega-
        that is easy to ignore. But unless political  Climate conditions     tions and the one Mr Trump sent to Bonn.
        leaders like Messrs Macron, Emanuel and  Global greenhouse-gas emission forecasts  America has often been more involved in
        Brown redouble their efforts, the prospect  Gigatonnes of CO 2 equivalent, median and ranges  global greenery than political rhetoric
        of keeping global warming to under 2°C  Nationally determined contributions  would suggest, says John Vogler of Keele
        looks poor.                            Unconditional  Conditional*   University. The country’s departure from
           In orderto getasmanycountries aspos-  Required for less than:     the Kyoto protocol, the Paris agreement’s
        sible on board, the Paris agreement set an  2°C warming  1.5°C warming  ill-fated predecessor, under George W.
        ambitious goal but remained studiously                     Gaps     60  Bush did not stop Americans from attend-
                                             Current policy trajectory
        vague about how it was to be reached. By                  2°     1.5°  ing UN climate events. The country sends
        next year the signatories are supposed to                            officials to meetings of the UN convention
        have fleshed out precisely how to calcu-                        50    on biodiversity, which it has never ratified.
        late, review and ratchet up their nationally                         And it is still formally bound by Mr
        determined contributions. Reaching con-                        40    Obama’s signature on the Paris deal. In-
        sensus on what counts as a reduction in                              deed, its withdrawal does not take effect
        emissions, and who should monitor pro-                               until two days after the next presidential
        gress, will be delicate, admits Patricia Espi-                 30    election—and ifMrTrump isnotre-elected,
        nosa, the head of the UN climate secretari-  2015  20  25  30        his successormight decide to stay.
        at. In Bonn, striking a tentative agreement           *On sufficient aid for  Even if America does leave under the
        on something as basic as deciding what to  Source: United Nations  developing countries  next administration, a parallel presence is
        discuss during the coming year counted as                            likely to continue. Delegates in Bonn were
        a coup.                            were concerned. That suggests he intends  treated to the curious spectacle ofa second
           It is unfortunate that the rotating presi-  China to become a global leader on the is-  American delegation, as brash as the offi-
        dency of COP means that the task of shep-  sue. But “the Chinese are still working out  cial one was low-key. It pitched a gigantic
        herdingthrough the final documentfalls to  what this means,” says Thomas Hale of  tent outside the  UN  compound, luring
        Poland. Unlike the French organisersof the  Oxford University. Although China’s long-  passers-by with free food and hosting talks
        Paris COP two years ago, Poland’s populist  standing policy of not meddling in other  by notable American greens including Mr
        Law and Justice government lacks dip-  countries’ business is only selectively ad-  Brown, Al Gore and Michael Bloomberg, a
        lomatic nous and credibility on environ-  hered to, it probably does not intend to lec-  former Republican mayor of New York
        mental issues. Jan Szyszko, the environ-  ture others on the importance of upgrad-  who now heads the financial-disclosure
        ment minister, who is to chair the  ing their national pledges. Even “torch-  task force. The Fijian prime minister, who
        proceedings, has questioned humanity’s  bearing”, which sounds like China means  presided over the official programme,
        role in global warming and shares Mr  to set an example with domestic policies  stopped by. Ms Espinosa said that if the
        Trump’s fondness for coal. The host city of  such as switching from coal to renewables  State Department reneged on its duty to re-
        Katowice lies in the heart of Polish coal  for generating electricity, may not amount  port America’s greenhouse-gas emissions
        country. Mr Brown’s take, that “Poland is  to all that much in practice (see page 39).  to the UN, she would accept an inventory
        not exactly a hotbed of climate activism,”  Thisweekin ParisMa Kai, China’svice-pre-  compiled and paid for by “America’s
        understates the problem.           mier, insisted that a long-awaited emis-  pledge”, a philanthropic effort led by Mr
                                           sions-trading scheme will be unveiled be-  Brown and MrBloomberg.
        Poles apart                        fore January. But the plans have reportedly  The pair also dined with Mr Macron
        Nazhat Khan, the climate envoy from Fiji,  been scaled back, and now exclude entire  and touted the importance of climate ini-
        which is to pass the presidency of COP to  industries.               tiatives by cities, states and businesses.
        the Poles on the eve ofthe summit in Kato-  Just as well, then, that America’s retreat  Thanks to such actions, Mr Bloomberg en-
        wice, nevertheless believes that agree-  seems as half-hearted as China’s charge.  thuses, America is already halfway to-
        ment can be reached there. The presiden-  For all Mr Trump’s hostility to environ-  wards meeting its Paris pledge—even
        cy’s role is not central to the COP process,  mentalism, MsKhan saysshe spied “no ap-  though that pledge has formally been
        she says. Officials in Bonn said they  preciable difference” between the size and  abandoned. Mr Obama had promised to
        doubted that the Poles would sabotage the                            slash emissionsby26-28% from 2005 levels
        talks, for fear of global opprobrium. But                            by 2025. Firms and investors increasingly
        these reassurances are too lukewarm to be                            understand that curbing climate change is
        truly comforting. Christiana Figueres, Ms                            in theirlong-term interests, he says. Pollsin
        Espinosa’s predecessor and now a climate                             many countries show that a majority of
        campaigner, says she is nervous.                                     citizens agree.
           The longer-term outlook is also worry-
        ing. Forall MrMacron’svim, France has yet                            Don’t forget Paris
        to prove it can be as combative as America                           But for all the importance of subnational
        used to be, complementing the EU’s more                              green efforts, the UN climate process is still
        conciliatory tactics, says Durwood Zaelke                            essential. It is the only mechanism avail-
        of the Institute for Governance and Sus-                             able for chivvying stragglers to do more.
        tainable Development, a think-tank in                                And if global warming is to be kept within
        Washington. Nor has China, which has                                 reasonable bounds, action will be needed
        seized the rhetorical high ground vacated                            not just by the most committed, but also
        by America, matched its fine words with                               from those currently doing little or noth-
        actions.                                                             ing. The Paris deal’s voluntary, flexible na-
           In hisbigspeech to the five-yearly Com-                            ture means that it is national pledges,
        munist Party congress in October, the                                backed by legislation, that collectively add
        country’s president, Xi Jinping, spoke of                            up to global climate governance. Mr Mac-
        China as a “torch-bearer” and “in the driv-                          ron’s summit can be judged a success if it
        ing seat” as far as environmental matters                            reminds the world ofthis fact. 7
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