Page 53 - The Economist20171214
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International                                                            The Economist December 16th 2017 53

                                                                             bal warming “well below” 2°C compared
                                                                             with pre-industrial timesby2100, and pref-
                                                                             erably closer to 1.5°C. Most scientists agree
                                                                             thatifthe increase ismore than 2°C, there is
                                                                             a serious riskofcatastrophically higher sea
                                                                             levels and more floods, superstorms and
                                                                             wildfires like those that have afflicted
                                                                             places from Kolkata to the Caribbean to
                                                                             California this year. Greenhouse gases re-
                                                                             leased by humanity have already warmed
                                                                             Earth by 1°C or so since the 1870s. Because
                                                                             planet-cooking carbon dioxide lingers in
                                                                             the atmosphere forthousandsofyears, sta-
                                                                             bilisingemissionswill notsuffice to hitthat
                                                                             target. Emissions must fall, and quickly
                                                                             (even into negative territory: carbon diox-
                                                                             ide will need to be scrubbed from the air
                                                                             somehow). Instead, they are expected to
                                                                             edge up by 2% in 2017, after three years of
                                                                               This year’s “Emissions Gap” report
                                                                             from the UN, published in October, shows
                                                                             that the first set of climate pledges submit-
                                                                             ted by 164 countries corresponds to barely
                                                                             a third of the cut in emissions needed to
                                                                             keep warming below 2°C (see chart on
                                                                             next page). Studies suggest that these “na-
                                                                             tionally  determined  contributions”
                                                                             (NDCs) would probably result in tempera-
                                                                             tures 2.9-3.4°C higherthan in pre-industrial
                                                                             times—and thatonlyiftheyare fully imple-
                                                                             mented, which seems unlikely.
        Climate summitry                                                       Mr Trump has said that America, the
                                                                             world’s second-largest greenhouse-gas
        New life for the Paris deal                                          emitter behind China, will not honour the
                                                                             NDCs submitted by his predecessor, Ba-
                                                                             rack Obama. Nor will it pay into the UN’s
                                                                             Green Climate Fund, set up in 2010 with
                                                                             the intention of transferring $100bn a year
        PARIS                                                                by 2020 to poor countries. Commitments
        Aflurryofmeetings should help curb greenhouse-gas emissions. Butthe global  to date put the figure closer to $70bn. And
        agreementis still essential
                                                                             most poor countries have made their Paris
         N MAY France’s environment ministry  companies agreeing to follow recent rec-  pledgesconditional on rich countries help-
        Imoved to an 18th-century mansion close  ommendations on climate-related finan-  ing them pay to adopt cleaner energy and
        to the National Assembly and Elysée Pal-  cial disclosures from a task force set up by  adapt to a changingclimate.
        ace. The relocation—and a pretentious new  the Financial Stability Board, an interna-
        name, the Ministry for Ecological and In-  tional watchdog, reached $6.3trn. The  Some summitry
        clusive Transition—hint at Emmanuel Mac-  World Bank said it would stop funding oil  Mr Macron’s jamboree is one in a year-
        ron’s desire to be seen as a global leader in  and gasexploration in two years. The Euro-  long series of climate get-togethers, some
        the fight against climate change.   pean Union pledged €9bn ($11bn) to help  ofthem initiatives by green-minded politi-
           Since his election to the French presi-  poor countries fight climate change. The  cians and some of them part of the Paris
        dency seven months ago, green activists  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the  deal. In November the Conference of the
        have placed their hopes in Mr Macron as a  world’s largest charity, said it would match  Parties (COP) to the UN climate conven-
        bulwark against  his  carbon-cuddling  the €270m the  EU  has promised for re-  tion, underwhich the Paris agreement was
        American counterpart, Donald Trump.  search to help poor farmers in Africa and  forged, descended on Bonn for its annual
        Theycame to Parisin force fora One Planet  Asia adjust to global warming.   pow-wow. Earlier this month city leaders
        Summit on December 12th, at which Mr  The flurry of announcements, and the  from America and elsewhere metin Chica-
        Macron hosted more than 50 world lead-  pomp, were intended to breathe new life  go, invited by the Democratic mayor,
        ers to celebrate the anniversary of the UN  into the Paris deal. America’s planned de-  Rahm Emanuel, to discuss how cities can
        climate compact agreed in the French capi-  parture did not strike it a mortal blow, as  fight climate change. California’s Demo-
        tal in 2015. Mr Trump, who decided in June  some greens feared it would. It may even  cratic governor, Jerry Brown, is planning a
        to pull America outofthatdeal, was noton  have nudged the lasttwo holdouts, Nicara-  similar, larger extravaganza in September
        the invitation list.               gua and Syria, to sign up in November. But  in San Francisco. Three months after that it
           Mr Macron launched a campaign to at-  the pledges made so far are inadequate,  will be time for the next annual  COP,
        tract American green technologists and cli-  and many are conditional on other coun-  which is due to be held in Poland.
        mate scientists to move to France. Another  trieskeepingtheirside ofthe bargain. Fresh  All this summitry provides an opportu-
        six countries joined a coalition led by Brit-  momentum is sorely needed.  nity for politicians and philanthropists to
        ain committed to phasing out coal, bring-  The Paris agreement committed signa-  make further commitments. It also puts
        ing the total to 26. The market value of  tories to do what is necessary to keep glo-  pressure on laggards and reminds the pub- 1
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