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the biggest names like Sonu Nigam, Vishal & Shekhar, and
many others, Ben has been guiding us in the direction from
the start. If you are doing a rendition of any song, it is always
advisable to take all legal permissions before going ahead
with anything else.
Where does critical acclaim stand for a band that runs on popularity?
Venky S - Criticism is always welcome. It is important for
any artist to take it in the right spirit. How the world reacts
to your music is always a surprise that you will only see after
you release your work. Just like anything else in the world,
some of it might appeal to the masses and some may not.
Since we record, program, compose, shoot, direct and edit
most our songs and videos on our own, it takes up almost all
our time. We also need to make time for rehearsals, shows
and many other things. So, the moment we are done releasing
one song, we forget about it and start working on the next one.
This gives us hardly any time to read comments or dwell upon
them. Criticism is good and will only help us understand
our audience better and will help us grow as musicians and
artists. Our advice to all budding artists is to focus on your
work, don’t get too carried away in any amount of success or
criticism. Just work hard and be cheerful!
How and when do you find the time to polish your craft amidst
such busy schedules?
Sanam Puri - Like the famous saying goes, ‘The busiest
people have time for everything’. Over time we have seen
this to be true! It is all about time management I guess. We
prioritize our work and make sure we get everything done to
the best of our abilities. In the creative field, we are five minds
working together. So, on every project, each of us take on
different roles and get things done. The role varies depending
on our schedules and on the project. It's challenging but
becomes possible with a strong and dedicated management
that supports us all the time. So, together as a team, we work
really hard and will continue to do so.
How do you internalize the magnitude of success coming your way?
Venky S - Success is really a relative term. To us success is
measured in terms of happiness. Working together, making
music, shooting videos, travelling the world, performing and
entertaining so many different people makes us really happy.
We are so blessed and grateful to be doing something we
love. It also makes us really happy to see our music touching
and connecting so many different lives together. We get so
many messages from so many fans saying that our music
has brought them together. People from different parts of the
world, who would never have met each other, are now best of
friends, enjoying our music together. We also get some really
touching messages from fans telling us that in today’s day and
How do you manage to cover so many songs without any copyright age, where everyone is so busy staring at their phones and
there are hardly any human connections between families at
issues? Recently so many cover artist's videos were pulled down home, our music has now brought them together. Mothers,
by record labels. Fathers, Children, and even Grand Parents now sit together
Samar Puri - When we started out, even though we hardly and enjoy our music videos. Things like these really make us
had any subscribers and had no clue how far YouTube would happy and encourage us to work harder.
take us, we still decided to do things the right way. From
our first rendition till date, we always made sure we got Does commercial viability and pressures impact you?
all permissions from the owners of the copyright before we Samar Puri - As creative people, our focus and expertise
started working on them. Lucky for us, we have very strong lie in making music. It is imperative for any artist to have
management backing us. Our manager and 5th member of a strong management backing them up. We are lucky to
our band is Mr. Ben Thomas (Kurian & Company Talent have our manager Ben Thomas so closely connected with us
Management). Having had many years of experience in the professionally and personally as family. He takes care of the
music and entertainment industry, after managing some of business aspect for us so we are free to focus on the music and
The Score Magazine 13