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everyone and makes sure things go smoothly and as planned.   learning experience. You will face challenges all along. But the
       It is a really stressful and tough job but he makes it look easy   idea is to be creative, work hard and think of ways to overcome
       and is  always smiling.  Priyanka Bhambhani  is  the newest   each challenge one step at a time. I remember when we released
       addition to our family. She handles our PR and a number   our first few videos we sat for days on Facebook, sending links
       of other things as a part of the team of Kurian & Co Talent   to all our family and friends. After that we would check with
       Management. I don’t think we have ever seen someone so well   them again to see if they actually watched the video and would
       planned  and organized.  She  has everything  so well  planned   take feedback from everyone to make the next audio and video
       out. It becomes so much easier for us having Priyanka plan,   better. The best gyaan would be to keep things simple, work
       schedule and execute everything that comes our way. She is   hard and be consistent. Everything else will follow.
       constantly sending us reminders and updates on everything
       that needs to be done. She is so passionate about everything  Lessons learnt the hard way
       she does. You can tell that her passion comes straight from her   Keshav Dhanraj - When we first formed our band. We won a
       heart. We feel blessed and fortunate to have such wonderful   3-year recording contract with Times Music. At first, we were
       people in our lives!                                    really excited, with so many expectations. Being signed to a big
                                                               music label seemed too good to be true. We managed to record
       Retaining the essence of pop music while blindly being labeled as   our first album, which was released by Times Music. However,
       a "sellout"                                             after that, everything went south. We had shot 2 music videos,
       Samar Puri  - All four of us have always been interested in   which were released on YouTube. Those 3 years with Times
       Pop music right from the start. Having said that, we grew up   Music taught us a lot about the entertainment industry and
       listening to all kinds of other genres as well. We each have   also made us stronger as a band. There were so many ups and
       rather different influences in music. While composing, we try   downs during that time. We had no idea who to rely on and who
       to blend in all four of our ideas into one song. We don’t release   to trust. After the management at Times Music changed, we
       a song unless each of us is satisfied. Yes, we make Pop/Rock   went to meet the new CEO. He was brutally honest with us. He
       music but we always make music that we enjoy and that we   made us understand that a music label is only equipped to sell
       believe in. That’s the reason why we are taking it slow but   and distribute our music. Whatever else was promised to us by
       doing only things that make us happy.                   their predecessors, were only false promises. He encouraged
                                                               us to go out and find a manager before we do anything else.
       With over 3M subscribers, please elaborate on the challenges you   Those 3 years with times music taught us a whole lot and
       have faced while garnering the interest of a virtual audience. And   made us understand that there are no short cuts. Since then
       some gyaan to the newbies!                              we decided to do everything on our own, so we didn’t have to
       Sanam Puri - While we started off, we had no clue how to   rely on anyone else. After meeting Ben Thomas, we felt strong
       do any of this. We learnt as we went along. I think the most   and confident to go through this journey together. There will
                                                               always be ups and downs, the important thing is that we go
       important thing is to just start doing things. That itself is a big
                                                               through them together.

         SANAM consists of Sanam Puri (Vocals), Samar Puri (Guitar), Venky S (Bass Guitar), and

                                     Keshav Dhanraj (Drums and Percussion).

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