Page 35 - The score
P. 35
“When words fail, music speaks.” Shakespeare once said. Easy to carry:-
And it’s a true saying as the evolution in music is speaking Launchpad is totally portable, lightweight, easy to pack
its heart out in today’s era. Where Launchpad is becoming and carry around and fully USB bus powered- so there’s no
ubiquitous with the evolution of electronic music, letting us need for power sockets. One can also combine it with more
launch clips, play drum racks and control the mixing, all the Launchpads or other Launch products to build a fully hands-
while creating impressive lightshows. on live studio.
While music production techniques made great strides over
the last fifty years, resulting in our current era of digital sound Make Music Straight Away:-
recording, live electronic music has proven to be more difficult A Launchpad consists of Bass music, many instrumental theme
to perform. Most traditional genres of music carry an inherent songs, upbeat tunes and even AU plug-in synthesisers. It comes
component of performance, but as music technology advances, with everything you need to start making a great music.
this aspect of live creation seems to diminish. The emphasis
on traditional instrumentation is reduced in electronic music, The Instrument of Electronic Music:-
as the producer utilizes the full range of studio trickery from The technology is advancing to the point that musicians can
synthesizer and drum machines to MIDI devices and sampling hobble together some compelling live kits, and it's going to
to create their material. be exciting to see how this aspect advances in the future.
As the studio began to shift from a mere recording device to While DJs won’t be going anywhere, it’s a great time for
full blown instrument, the art of music production evolved performers to push the limits of live electronic music and fill
and became more complex. The means to create electronic a longstanding void in the genre. While obviously not every
music didn't happen in real time; it was well thought out and artist will be able to commission the kind of rig The Glitch
calculated, finely detailed and laboured over in studios for Mob now tour with, there are plenty of affordable options on
countless hours. Replicating this material in a live setting is the market for the aspiring musician to build their own setup.
a challenging task, and most electronic artists have historically Live shows give artists the opportunity to engage with their
been happy to stick to DJing as their method of performance. audience in a unique and memorable way. The nature of
electronic music grants a futuristic wave of musicians the
Create Eye-Catching Performances:- ability to stretch the limits of traditional performance. With
Bright, colourful pads make the unit stand out just from major electronic acts like Disclosure and Nero switching up
USB power, on stage or when creating exciting Launchpad their live methods and a number of promising up and comers
lightshow videos that are all over You Tube. One can turn it continuing to explore new ideas, now may finally be the
into a step sequencer, trigger videos from drum pads or use right time to get your EDM garage band together and start
it to create just about anything one can imagine. booking gigs.
The Score Magazine 33