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MIDI Controllers
Since a lot of modern day music is heavily dependent on computer processing and midi controllers, we will be reviewing a bunch of
Midi keyboards and controllers in this edition. From the staggering number of new products that have been flooding the market this
year, we at Score have narrowed down the list to just five.
Novation Launchkey 49 Controller
The Novation launch key 49 is one of the • Comes with ableton lite and a set of
best controllers you can find because of sounds and loops.
the amount of features it offers for its The Cons
price. • Since this keyboard is only integrated
The pros with Ableton, mapping of knobs and
• Lot of faders and knobs pads become complicated when you
• Integration with Ableton use any other DAW
• 16 Drum pads
Nektar Impact GX49
The Nektar Impact GX49 is a basic MIDI • For logic users, you can download the
controller. This is all you really need to apple integrated templates
make good music. The cons
The pros • No Fader ports
• Cheap pricing • No drum pads
• Easy to use without any syncing issues
M-Audio Code 61 CME Xkey 37 Air MIDI Keyboard M-Audio Keystation 88 II
The M-Audio Code 61 is for the The CMEXkey 37 Air is a wireless The M Audio Keystation 88 II is an
advanced music producers who wish keyboard that uses Bluetooth technology 88 key semi-weighted MIDI keyboard
to have all the controls mapped so to connect and work. This is a budget that is worthy of being mentioned in
they don’t have to use their keyboard controller and is very helpful for people our list. M-Audio is one of few pro-
or a mouse for toggling between who travel a lot and work on the move as it audio brands that make keyboards
inserts. is very sleek and handy. with legitimate key-action & touch.
The Pros The pros Set up the Keystation 88 II in your
• It comes with semi-weighted keys • Easy to carry home studio & you’ll begin to
with aftertouch. • Good keyboard and has aftertouch appreciate how well-designed this
• The aftertouch can be mapped to • Wireless MIDI keyboard is.
volume or portamento or any of the The cons
other parameters. This opens up • No sustain pedal input The pros
to a whole new level of playing the • Need to get used to the keys • Keystation-88 does not take up a lot
keys. • The device might run out of charge of space on your desk because of its
• It has X/Y touch pad to control without indication compact build.
effects of synths and other plugins • It is a rugged controller and can
Thet cons last for years together and is a great
choice for piano and keyboard
• A lot of patience and technical players.
knowledge is required to set up
the controller to make use of its The cons
complete potential. • The semi-weighted keyboard got
This is easily one of the best mixed reviews, with a number of
people claiming that the feel of the
controllers, especially if you are
looking for a one time set-up and keep black and the white keys are not
quite right.
producing music without any hassle.
Author Vishal Ramakrishnan, Global Peace song of the year award winning and music producer. He is also a music
production trainer. For more details, visit
34 The Score Magazine